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krypton and barium are both naturally occurring non-radioactive elements. krypton can be extracted from air by fractional liquefaction. barium ore can be mined and barium extracted.

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3w ago

Yes, krypton can also be produced through the fractional distillation of liquid air, where it is separated from other gases. Barium can be produced through a chemical reaction between barium oxide and aluminum, resulting in the formation of barium.

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Q: Is there any other way for producing krypton and barium except for the nuclear fission?
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How become uranium to krypton and barium?

Uranium does not naturally turn into krypton and barium. These elements are created through nuclear reactions, typically in a nuclear reactor or during nuclear fission processes. During these reactions, uranium atoms can split into smaller atoms like krypton and barium, releasing energy in the process.

What are the name of fission fragements in a nuclear reactor?

Fission products, in the case of uranium, krypton 92 and barium 141.

Is an atom of uranium absorbed a neutron and splits into an atom of krypton and a tom of barium an example of nuclear fission?

Yes, it is true.

How do you write out a nuclear fission equation?

A typical nuclear fission equation can be written as: ( \text{Uranium-235} + \text{Neutron} \rightarrow \text{Krypton} + \text{Barium} + \text{Neutrons} + \text{Energy} )

What kind of nuclear reaction is seen in 236 92 U - 144 36 Kr 3p1n (p1nneutron)?

Nuclear fission

Can Uranium 235 be split by Krypton?

The fission of uranium-235 release krypton and barium (and other isotopes) as fission products.I don't know if the fusion of uranium and krypton is possible in laboratory.

Is same product formed in fission of uranium 235?

No, the products of uranium-235 fission can vary depending on the specific conditions. Common fission products include lighter elements like xenon, krypton, and barium.

What are the daughter atoms of uranium-235 during the initial chain reaction?

Fission is a form of nuclear transmutation because the resulting fragments are different elements from the original atom. A neutron-induced fission of U-235 results to krypton and barium.

When uranium 235 is struck with a neutron the krypton 92 and barium 141 nuclei are produced along with some neutrons how many neutrons are produced?

When uranium-235 is struck with a neutron, it typically produces two or three neutrons as a byproduct along with the formation of krypton-92 and barium-141 nuclei.

Is uranium 235 and a neutron producting barium 141 an example of nuclear fusion?

No. it is an example of nuclear fission (splitting of nucleus).

What is in fission of U-235?

When U-235 undergoes fission, it splits into two smaller nuclei (such as Barium and Krypton), along with several neutrons and a large amount of energy in the form of gamma rays and kinetic energy. This process releases a significant amount of energy compared to other nuclear reactions.

Which are not products of the fission of uranium?

Carbon dioxide is not a product of the fission of uranium. When uranium undergoes fission, it typically produces two or more fission fragments, such as krypton and barium isotopes, along with neutrons and a large amount of heat.