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There is limited footage of Stephen Hawking before his illness, as he developed ALS in his early 20s. However, there are some clips of him as a young man giving presentations and speaking at events. Hawking's groundbreaking work in theoretical physics and cosmology began before his illness and continued throughout his life.

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Q: Is there any footage of Stephen hawking before his illness?
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Did Stephen Hawking die before 2010?

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Are there pictures of Stephen hawking before his illness?

Yes, there are pictures of Stephen Hawking before he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in the early 1960s. In these pictures, he is shown as a young man in good health, often smiling and engaged in various activities.

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What problem involving black holes did Stephen Hawking solve?

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Did Stephen hawking come up with the big bang theory?

No, Stephen Hawking did not come up with the Big Bang theory. The theory was proposed by Georges Lemaître in the 1920s and further developed by scientists like Edwin Hubble and George Gamow. Hawking made significant contributions to our understanding of black holes and the nature of the universe, but not specifically to the Big Bang theory.

How does steven hawking have kids?

Stephen Hawking had three children with his first wife, Jane Wilde. Although he was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at a young age, the condition did not affect his ability to have children. Hawking's children were born before his physical abilities declined significantly due to the progression of his disease.

How did Dr. Stephen Hawking discover black holes?

He did not. He made some theoretical discoveries about how black holes would probably behave; but the concept of black holes was discovered by others before him.

When did Stephen Hawking get motor neuron disease?

The diagnosis of motor neuron disease came when Hawking was 21, shortly before his first marriage, and doctors said he would not survive more than two or three years. Hawking gradually lost the use of his arms, legs, and voice, and is now (in 2010) almost completely paralysed.

What did Stephen hawking look like before his disease?

If you look on google images and look for him you will find he is disabled and does not look like a normal person or even disabled people he is a genius though.