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non, because (96.5) percent of its atmosphere is made of co2

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4mo ago

There is a slim chance of microbial life existing in the clouds of Venus where conditions might be more hospitable, but it is still largely unknown. The surface of Venus is extremely inhospitable with high temperatures and pressures, making it unlikely for complex forms of life to exist there.

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10y ago

It is almost impossible for life to exist on Venus according to most astronomers. This is considered to be one of the most hostile planets without any trace of water.

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11y ago

That's extremely unlikely.

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4y ago

Life cannot exist on Venus. Venus has nothing that life needs to live. Also the temperatures are extremely hot due to it's green house effect.

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Q: Is there any chance of life on venus?
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Is their any chance of life on Venus's?

Probably not. Venus has toxic gases that disable any possible life, but there might be some life on Venus that has adapted to the harsh gases and mild temperatures.Cacti and other organisms have adapted to the desert, so why can't there be a possible chance on Venus? We really have no knowledge of life on Venus exept for the basics. If there is life on Venus, we would probably never be aware.

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Venus has no moons.

Is there any life on venus?

There is no known evidence of life on Venus. The planet is very hot and does not have the conditions necessary for life to thrive.

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Astronauts have not visited Venus. Venus has an extremely inhospitable climate. Probes barely survive the descent. Humans would stand no chance.

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There is currently no evidence to suggest that Venus has any life forms on it. The extreme temperatures, acidic atmosphere, and lack of water make it a hostile environment for life as we know it.

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No. Venus is too hot to support any sort of life. Earth is the only planet known to have life on it.

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At the moment in time - there is no physical proof that there is life anywhere else bar Earth. However, given the magnitude of the Galaxy and the number of stars - 200 -> 400 billion, the odds on just one star having a planet or moon with life is pretty good. The chances of some form of life in our Solar System is pretty good also - Europa, Titan and Enceladus. Venus and Mars probably did have life. There is a good chance that Venus might have had aquatic life, but any chance of proving it has been melted away with the reforming of Venus's crust. Life is more than likely within the whole Universe, intelligent life is another question.

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Life forms from Venus would be called Venusians. Life forms from Mars would be called Martians. In any respect, however, there is no evidence, nor scientific support of life on either Venus or Mars.

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No signs of life of any sort have been found on Venus, or any other place outside of the Earth.

Organic life on Venus'?

there is no life in venus

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There is no life on Venus.

Is there any human life on Venus?

No. Never been visited by humans.