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They are rather rare and do not exist naturally. One plant is a strain of pansies which have been genetically bred (from a genetic mutation) to produce entirely black petaled flowers. These are the FL350 Black Pansies, where FL350 is the strain number. There are other flowers with spots or edges of the petals which are black, and others which have a very deep purple color that may be mistaken as black, but as far as I know, the FL350 strain is the only commercially available pure black flower that currently exists.

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15y ago
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9mo ago

While truly black flowers are rare in nature, some dark flowers like the Black Batflower and Black Hollyhock appear black due to their deep purple, burgundy, or dark red hues. These flowers create a striking and unique appearance in gardens and floral displays.

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13y ago

answer:no flowers have diffrent chemicals in which give them there coulour there is no black 1's just really dark purple!

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13y ago

no not at all if thet are you can correct my self

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14y ago

Yes when they are rotten

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Q: Is there any black flowers
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Is there any scientific reason for the non-existence of black flowers?

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What are some types of black flowers?

Some types of black flowers are the Black Dahlia, the Black Pansy, the Black Lily and the Calla Lily. Other black flowers are the Queen of the Night Tulip, the Bat Orchid and the Black Magic Hollyhock.

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Coffee grinds:) It works for any plant! Also compost is good for any plant(aka black soil).

How do you make a black flower?

Spray paint. You can spray paint flowers (real or fake) any color that you want!

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No. Animals cannot have any flowers!

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The cast of Black Flowers Blossom - 2009 includes: Henry Lindsay as Michael Romarof

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Lamia (Non-made Vampires): Black IrisVampire (Made): Black roseWitch (Known): Black DahliaWitch (Doesn't know): Black VioletWerewolf: Black FoxgloveShapeshifter: Black LilyHope that helps! :) And it's actually 6 flowers.

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I don't think any any animals live on flowers,but maybe flower beetles try to live on flowers.