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If you compare the mass of a positron to an electron, or of a proton to an anti-proton, and so forth, the mass is the same, even though the charge is reversed. Negative charge does not mean negative mass, it has no bearing on the mass.

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Q: Is there an affect on the mass of an object with a negative charge?
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What happens to the mass of an object when it receives a negative charge?

When an object receives a negative charge, there is no change in its mass. Mass is a fundamental property of matter that is not affected by the addition or removal of charge. The negative charge simply alters the distribution of electrons on the object's surface.

What happens to its mass if the object receives a negative charge?

The mass of an object does not change when it receives a negative charge. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and adding or removing charge does not alter the amount of matter present.

Define negative charge without using mass of electron?

Mass and charge are not connected. Negative charge is the charge carried by an electron.

What particles account for the charge of the mass?

Protons and electrons are particles that account for the charge of the mass. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge. The net charge of an object is determined by the balance of these two particles.

Elementary particle that carries a negative charge and almost no mass?

An electron is an elementary particle that carries a negative charge and has a very small mass.

A neutron has a negative charge and a mass smaller than the mass of a proton?

Yes, the neutron has a negative charge and a mass that is smaller than the mass of a proton.

What object has neither a positive or negative charge?

When an object has 'no' charge, it is neutral.

Increasing the speed of an object does not affect that object's what?

Increasing the speed of an object does not affect that object's mass. Mass is an intrinsic property of an object and remains constant regardless of its speed.

How does changing the shape of an object affect its mass?

Changing the shape of an object does not affect its mass. The mass of an object remains constant regardless of its shape because mass is a measure of the amount of matter present in an object. Changing the shape may affect the object's volume and density, but not its mass.

How does mass affect the shape of an object?

Mass does not directly affect the shape of an object. The shape of an object is determined by its structure and composition. However, the mass of an object does affect its weight, which can influence how the object interacts with other objects or its environment.

Does the mass affect the speed of an object?

It has no direct affect on the speed of an object. It does affect the energy content of the speeding object.

What is the difference between mass and charge?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while charge is a fundamental property of matter that determines how it interacts with electric and magnetic fields. Mass is a scalar quantity that gives an object inertia, while charge can be positive or negative and determines the strength of the electromagnetic force on an object.