yes also in the phillipnes there is a company named Mikaela. MIkaela can be spelled multipul ways like M-i-k-a-y-l-a. if u r named Mikaela u r a lucky person 2 have that name.
There is no known star named "salm." If you are referring to a specific star, please provide more information so I can assist you better.
The star Rigel was named by the Arabic astronomers. Rigel is derived from the Arabic word "rijl" which means "foot," as it represents the foot of the Orion constellation.
Saturn's largest moon is named Titan. It is the only moon in the solar system with a substantial atmosphere and is larger than the planet Mercury.
A star and all the bodies that orbit it is called a, "Star System". The star system that we live in has been named . . . we call it the Solar System, because the name of our star (The Sun) is "Sol".
Yes, star signs are named after the group of stars that each constellation represents. The position of the sun in relation to these constellations at a person's birth determines their zodiac sign.
Mikaela Drozdovskaya's birth name is Mikaela Mikhailovna Drozdovskaya.
Mikaela Dyke is 5' 5 1/2".
Mikaela comes from a Hebrew name meaning "Who is like God?" In Hebrew, Mikaela is spelled מיכאלה
this girl named Mikaela who lived for about 1 minute and 30 seconds. that's a short time!
Mikaela Engell was born in 1956.
Mikaela Turik was born in 1995.
Mikaela Sonck is 162 cm.
Mikaela Banes was created in 2007.
Mikaela Ingberg is 174 cm.
Mikaela Phillips is 5' 3".
The character is not Mikaela - it is Carly.