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Food webs with alternate energy sources for higher trophic levels are intrinically better for survivability. More complexity could mean less impact on the whole system if one energy source should fail for some reason.

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Q: Is there a relationship between the complexity of a food chain and its ability to survive environmental changes?
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What kind of psychologist studies the relationship between genetic and environmental factors on growth of the individual through the life span?

Developmental psychologists study the relationship between genetic and environmental factors on an individual's growth and development throughout their lifespan. They focus on how these factors influence physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development from infancy to old age.

Ecology is the study of environmental interactions at the following levels of increasing complexity?

Ecology is the study of environmental interactions at the individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels of increasing complexity. At the individual level, it examines how organisms interact with their environment for survival and reproduction. At the population level, it looks at the interactions between individuals of the same species. At the community level, it investigates interactions between different species within a specific area. Finally, at the ecosystem level, it examines the interactions between organisms and their physical environment, including energy flow and nutrient cycling.

What is the relationship between environmental sciences and social sciences?

Environmental sciences and social sciences are interconnected in understanding and addressing environmental issues. Social sciences help analyze how human behavior, attitudes, and policies influence the environment, while environmental sciences provide the scientific knowledge and data to assess the impact of human activity on the environment. Collaboration between the two disciplines is necessary for developing effective solutions to environmental challenges.

Environmental geography addresses the relationship between what kind of geography?

physical; human Love, Nessa

What is the term that describes the relationship between the people and the environment?

The term that describes the relationship between people and the environment is "sustainability" - which involves managing resources in a way that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

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What is relationship between personality and creativity?

-Independence -Intense interest in a problem -Willingness to restructure the problem -Preference for complexity A need for stimulating interaction

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power and ability have very little in common, other than that those who are powerful should be able to spot ability.

What is the relationship between Environmental Management and Environmental Science?

Environmental management is how we manage the the behavior of environmental changes . Environmental science is the study of living organism and other things related to environment . They both are part of Environment education.

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