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Sink holes are surface subsidence structures that form due to the collapse of underground voids. These voids may form naturally (e.g. due to the dissolution of rocks such as limestone or gypsum by groundwater) or be man made (e.g. mine workings). The surface subsidence pit can vary greatly in depth and diameter from less than a metre wide and 1/2 a metre deep to tens of metres in diameter. They don't swallow people up, however it would be possible for a person to fall into one of these features. There have also been occurrences where they have formed under or close to buildings causing instability and even collapse and which have caused fatalities.

Some further explanation of the sink hole phenomenon along with pictures of sink holes and the damage they can cause can be seen by viewing the related links.

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1mo ago

Sinkholes are a geological phenomenon that can swallow up people and objects. They are often caused by the collapse of underground caverns, and can occur suddenly without warning. It is important to be cautious in areas where sinkholes are known to occur.

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