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In Earth, no. Black holes are only formed when the initial mass of a star is great enough that at the end of its life, it will either go supernova (massive explosion) or turn into a black hole. The sun is a medium sized star, and will most likely just burn out and turn into a white dwarf.

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13y ago

No, there are no black holes on Earth. They are thought (there is no proof as the reason they are "black" we can not see them in any spectrum) to be in space, particularily at the center of universes.

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11y ago

No. At least, there is none that we know of. As of 2014, the nearest known black hole is at a distance of about 3000 light-years; for comparison, the Solar System has a radius of about 1 light-year - if you choose to include the Oort Cloud in the Solar System.

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No because it is impossible to have a black hole in Earth.

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No, there is no black hole inside the Earth.

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No, only in cosmic space.

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Q: Is there a black hole in earth solar system?
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Is there a black hole in our solar system?

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Is planet Earth going to be sucked into a black hole?

Our planet Earth will probably not spontaneously turn into a black hole under its own gravity since it lacks sufficient mass - it would need several solar masses to so collapse, and the Earth is just a tiny fraction of the mass of the Sun.

Is a black hole an object in the Solar System?

No. The nearest black hole is about 1,600 light years away from the solar system.

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There is no known black hole in our Solar System.

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My Earth, as well as my Sun, would be completely destroyed if a black hole came through our Solar System. I'm not certain what would happen to YOUR Earth.

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Yes a black hole could envelope our solar system but it does not swallow anything.

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Not possible. Even if you crushed all the mass in the solar system together it couldn't become a black hole.

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Star is not an object in the solar system. The solar system consists of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and the sun. Stars are celestial objects that are outside of our solar system.

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The nearest known black hole is at a distance of about 3000 light-years - so it is far away from the Solar System.

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No, black holes are not part of our solar system. They exist in various parts of the universe and are not directly connected to the arrangement of planets, moons, and other celestial bodies within the solar system.

Are there any satellites studying any of the black holes in the solar system?

They would - if there was a black hole in our Solar System - but there isn't one.

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No. The closest known black hole to our solar system is about 1,600 light years away.