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Q: Is the xylem of carrots edible?
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Are carrots edible?

CarrotsYes, carrots are edible.

Are carrots edible after they turn white?


Are taproots edible?

Yes. There are four types of edible taproots. They are carrots, beets, radishes, and turnups.

IS carrots and beets a example of edible roots?

yes they are!

Will carrot come uder taproot?

Carrots have edible taproots.

How long can carrots stay out of the refrigerator and still be edible?

Fresh unpeeled carrots can stay out of the refrigerator and still be edible for a couple of days. However, if your house is hot, you should refrigerate them so that they last longer.

Are carrots vascular?

Yes, carrots are vascular plants. They have xylem and phloem tissues that transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.

What are some examples of edible tap roots?

Carrots, parsnips and turnips are three examples.

Are carrots with root hairs along the side edible?

Yes. The part of the carrot plant most people refer to as a "carrot" is actually the root, which is edible. The top of the carrot, referred to as carrot greens, are also edible.

What part of the carrots is eaten?

Carrots are typically eaten for their edible root, which is the long, orange part that grows underground. Sometimes the leafy green tops of carrots are also consumed, but they are not as commonly eaten as the root.

In some plants such as carrots and beets the roots do more than provide support What else do they do?

they provide nutrition, as they are edible

Are carrots protein?

No carrots are not proteins. It is a root of a plant, that are edible. The protein content of carrot is approximately 1 g per 100 g of carrot. Carbohydrate content is 10 time more than proteins.Vitamin A and mineral salts are rich in carrots.