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Anabolic reactions are reactions which build molecules up, catabolic reactions break them down. Since protein synthesis is a 'building' reaction it is anabolic.

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1mo ago

The synthesis of a protein from amino acids is classified as an anabolic process. Anabolic processes involve building complex molecules from simpler ones, such as the formation of proteins from amino acids.

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Q: Is the synthesis of a protein from amino acids classified as anabolic or catabolic?
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Is the synthesis of a protein from amino acids as anabolic or a catabolic?

Anabolic reactions are reactions which build molecules up, catabolic reactions break them down. Since protein synthesis is a 'building' reaction it is anabolic.

Is protein synthesis is a catabolic reaction?

No, protein synthesis is an anabolic reaction, as it involves the creation of new proteins within a cell. Catabolic reactions, on the other hand, involve the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones to release energy.

Which two hormones have both anabolic and catabolic effects?

Insulin and cortisol are two hormones that have both anabolic and catabolic effects. Insulin promotes anabolic processes such as glucose uptake and protein synthesis, while cortisol can have catabolic effects by promoting the breakdown of muscle protein and fat for energy production.

Is protein synthesis an anabolic reaction?

it is anabolic

Difference between a catabolic reaction and anabolic reaction?

Catabolic reactions breaks down organic matter, for example to harvest energy in cellular respiration. Anabolic reactions, on the other hand uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids.Catabolic pathways break down complex molecules to simpler forms. An exergonic reaction. Anabolic pathways synthesize more complex molecules from simpler ones. An endergonic reaction.

Is amino acid formation from protein an example of anabolic reaction?

Yes, the process of forming amino acids from proteins is an anabolic reaction. Anabolic reactions involve the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones, which is the case when amino acids are formed from proteins through processes like protein digestion and synthesis in cells.

What is the difference between anabolic and catabolic?

Catabolism is breaking down process or degradation phase. It happens when you are sick or fasting (not eating). Anabolism is biosynthesis process or reduction phase like making protein from amino acids.

What is two main type of chemical reaction in the cell of human body?

The two main types of chemical reactions in the cells of the human body are catabolic reactions, which involve breaking down molecules to release energy, and anabolic reactions, which involve building molecules using energy. Catabolic reactions produce ATP, the main source of energy for cellular processes, while anabolic reactions are involved in processes such as protein synthesis and cell growth.

What is an example of anabolic metabolism?

An example of anabolic metabolism is the synthesis of proteins from amino acids in the body. This process requires energy and building blocks to create complex molecules from simpler ones, promoting growth and repair within the body.

Is insulin a steroid hormone?

Insulin is an anabolic hormone as: 1) it promotes glycogen synthesis & inhibits glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in carbohydrates. 2) it promotes lipogenesis & inhibits lipolysis. 3) promotes protein synthesis & inhibits protein degradation

3 examples of catabolic processes and 3 examples of anabolic processes?

(1)breakdown of protein to amino acid (2)breakdown of starch into glycerol or fatty acid (3)decaying of organic substance

What type of reactions use energy to build complex molecules?

Anabolic reactions use energy to build complex molecules. These reactions include processes like protein synthesis and photosynthesis, where smaller molecules are combined to form larger, more complex molecules.