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Q: Is the radius of a star increases how do you think it's Luminosity might change?
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As the Sun becomes a red giant, it will expand and increase in luminosity, which may lead to higher temperatures on Neptune. The increased solar radiation could potentially cause the outer layers of Neptune's atmosphere to strip away. However, Neptune's distance from the Sun may provide some protection from the most severe effects.

What is an example of a real life cubic function?

A real world example of a cubic function might be the change in volume of a cube or sphere, depending on the change in the dimensions of a side or radius, respectively.

When a substance is heated its temperature increases what other change it might have?

It could melt, boil or soften. Alternatively it may change chemically, either catching fire or decomposing.

What is a partner for radius?

In Mathematics, that might be diameter. In Anatomy, that might be ulna.

How do you answer a question without a radius?

If you need the radius, you might try to figure it out based on other pieces of information.

How do you fnd the height of a cylinder if you have te radius?

Not enough information. For a given radius, the height might be anything.

What difference might a different inner radius have on a track layout?

a shorter radius would mean a shorter track distance. The smaller the radius - the smaller the circumference.

Why might a small increase in the demensions of an object cause a large change in its volume?

A small increase in the dimension increases the volume dramatically because the increases are all multiplied by each other. A balloon is a great example of volume increasing rapidly.

When a substance is heated its temperature increases. What other change might be observed?

Ordinarily when a substance is heated it expands. In some cases it melts. In some cases it vaporizes/evaporates.

How might states gain representative seats in Congress?

The state's population increases.

What conditions might cause blood vessels to change diameter?

Blood vessels can feel the shear stress caused by blood flow. When shear stress increases the blood vessel responds and the diameter becomes larger. Thus in short, changes in blood flow might cause blood vessels to change diameter.

How do you you measure a car's turning radius?

Try the related link. It might help you.