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Yes. As far as I am aware, no exceptions are known.

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Q: Is the principle of conservation of momentum always valid?
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When a ball is thrown up the magnitude of its momentum decreases and then increases.Does this violate the conservation of momentum principle?

No, this does not violate the conservation of momentum principle. As the ball is thrown up, its vertical velocity decreases, causing a decrease in momentum in that direction. However, the overall momentum of the ball (including horizontal and vertical components) remains constant in the absence of external forces. When the ball reaches its highest point and falls back down, its vertical velocity increases again, conserving the total momentum of the system.

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The Law of Conservation of Energy is valid in all isolated systems where there is no external energy being added or lost. It is a fundamental principle in physics that states the total energy within a closed system remains constant over time.

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In the case of an elastic collision, you can write two equations, which can help you solve certain practical problems. 1) Conservation of momentum. The total momentum before the collision is the same as the total momentum after the collision. 2) Conservation of energy. The total mechanical energy before and after the collision are the same. Note: The first equation is also valid for inelastic collisions; the second one is not.

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The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of an electron within at atom's electron cloud. As soon as you determine one property, the other is rendered invalid by your means of measurement.

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What technology proves whose patent paper published that Heisenberg Uncertainty principle in Physics is wrong?

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How do you identify the situations in which conservation of mechanical energy is valid?

Conservation of mechanical energy is valid in situations where only conservative forces are acting on the system, such as gravitational or spring forces. Non-conservative forces, like friction or air resistance, can cause mechanical energy to be lost from the system, making conservation of energy invalid. Additionally, the system must be isolated from external influences for conservation of mechanical energy to hold true.