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Yes, the peritoneal cavity is found in both male and female humans. It is a large space within the abdomen that contains organs such as the stomach, liver, intestines, and reproductive organs.

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Q: Is the peritoneal cavity found in male and female?
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Is it true that the male pelvic cavity is narrower than that of a female?

Yes, it is true. The male pelvic cavity is typically narrower and more heart-shaped, while the female pelvic cavity is wider and shallower with a rounder shape to accommodate childbirth. These differences are due to the biological need for females to carry and give birth to offspring.

Why are the male gonads not found in the abdominal cavity?

The male gonads (testes) start developing inside the abdominal cavity during fetal development but descend into the scrotum before birth because they need to be located outside the body to maintain a lower temperature for spermatogenesis. This temperature regulation is crucial for proper sperm production.

What is both male and female parts found in one flower?

hermaphrodite flower

Is a ovules a female or male?

Ovules are female reproductive structures found in the ovary of a flower. They contain the egg cells and develop into seeds after fertilization.

Does the mother or the father determine the sex of the offspring?

No, it is the male. The female eggs or ovum only have the x chromosone which develop into a female. The sperm have either an x chromosone or a y chromosone which carries the male sex determination. It is by chance and timing which one fertilized the egg first. If it is a x chrromosone then the offspring is a female. If the y chromosone fertilized the egg, then chemical changes occur resulting in a male fetus. No, it is the male. The female eggs or ovum only have the x chromosone which develop into a female. The sperm have either an x chromosone or a y chromosone which carries the male sex determination. It is by chance and timing which one fertilized the egg first. If it is a x chrromosone then the offspring is a female. If the y chromosone fertilized the egg, then chemical changes occur resulting in a male fetus. It is found in both male and female chromosomes.....found in answer key

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What organs are found in the pelvic cavity?

Bladder, Prostate(male), Ovaries(female), cervix(female), Testes(male), Penis(Male), Colon, and the Anus.Answer 2The urinary bladder, the internal reproductive organs, and the distal end of the large intestine.

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Which female Authoress was found after death to be a male.

How do you perform doggie style?

The male puts his penis in the female's anal cavity.

Is it true that the male pelvic cavity is narrower than that of a female?

Yes, it is true. The male pelvic cavity is typically narrower and more heart-shaped, while the female pelvic cavity is wider and shallower with a rounder shape to accommodate childbirth. These differences are due to the biological need for females to carry and give birth to offspring.

Do any sperm enter the pelvic cavity?

Well this would depend upon whether or not the female was involved in sexual activities or not. If she was and the male ejaculate in/on her, then yes it is possible. If she was not involved in sexual activities then it is not likely that there would be sperm in her pelvic cavity.

What sex are gametes found in?

they can be found in both male and female.

What is two plate mold?

mould is a one of the tool. it assmbal two part one cor side and secand is cavity side.cor is a male part and cavity is female part.

What determines if you are male or female?

TDF (testicular determining factor) is a gene found on the Y chromosome that will determine if one is male or female. If it is present, one is a male. If it is absent, one is a female.

Can a male office search a female?

Yes, with qualification. At time of arrest or first contact, if a male officer is unaccompanied by a female, he may search the female detainee for his own, as well as her, safety. For a custodial search, a female officer MUST perform any body cavity or "personal" area search.

In conifers male and female reproductive structure is found in?

In conifers, male reproductive structures called male cones produce pollen, while female reproductive structures called female cones contain ovules. Pollen is transferred from male cones to female cones through wind or insects for fertilization to occur.

Is a ovary a female or male?

Ovaries can only be found in females.

Gametophytes are found in?

Depends if you are talking about animals or plants. Plants: male gametophytes (pollen grains) are found in the anther(microsprangium), female ovules are found in the ovary (megasporangium). Animals: Generally male found in the testes and female gametophyes in the ovaries