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Q: Is the marianas trench in relation to oceanic oceanic convergence?
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Where were the older rocks on the sea floor found?

The oldest layers of sea floor would exist at the bottom of the Marianas Trench, where oceanic plate subduction is occurring. The subducting oceanic plate is less than 200 million years in age.

Is the Marianas trench convergent or divergent?

The Mariana Trench is a convergent plate boundary.

What are three types of convergent boundaries?

Oceanic-continental convergence: Oceanic plates sink beneath continental plates, creating subduction zones and mountain ranges. Oceanic-oceanic convergence: When two oceanic plates collide, one plate is subducted beneath the other, leading to trench formation and volcanic island arcs. Continental-continental convergence: Two continental plates collide, resulting in the uplift of crust and the formation of mountain ranges.

Where is Marianas trench largest canyon in world?

The Mariana Trench is a crescent-shaped trench in the western Pacific Ocean. It is the deepest oceanic trench in the world and the location of the Challenger Deep, which is the deepest point on Earth. It is not a canyon, but rather a trench formed by tectonic plate movements.

What results from an oceanic plate to oceanic plate convergence?

When two oceanic plates converge, one plate is usually forced beneath the other in a process known as subduction. This can result in the formation of deep-sea trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes. As the subducted plate melts and rises, it can lead to the creation of island arcs and chains of volcanoes.

Related questions

Why is the marianas trench deeper than the Juan de fuca trench?

There is no Juan de Fuca Trench. The USGS explains the lack of a trench as due to slow plate convergence at the subduction zone.

What kind of plate boundary forms a mountain rainge and a deep ocean trench like the Andes Mountain Range and Peru-Chile trench?

oceanic-continental convergence

What is the name of Marianas Trench's Band?

The name of marianas trench's band IS marianas trench! (you anwered your own question there mart one -.-)

What is the movement of oceanic-continental convergence?

In oceanic-continental convergence, the denser oceanic plate is forced beneath the continental plate in a process called subduction. This creates a deep ocean trench and can lead to volcanic activity and the formation of mountain ranges on the continental plate. The collision can also cause earthquakes.

When was Ever After - Marianas Trench album - created?

Ever After - Marianas Trench album - was created in 604.

When was Beside You - Marianas Trench song - created?

Beside You - Marianas Trench song - was created in 2020-09.

When did marianas Trench Become a band?

marainas trench has been a band since 2001-present

What trench is Challenger Deep found at?

Marianas Trench

Are Russia and Japan connected with an oceanic ridge or an oceanic trench?


What is the best Marianas trench song?

Celebrity status is the number one loved marianas trench song in america.

When does the 4th CD of marianas trench come out?

Marianas Trench's fourth album Astoria will be released in spring 2015.

When was Marianas Trench Marine National Monument created?

Marianas Trench Marine National Monument was created in 2009.