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No. It's about 69 miles along the equator, and tapers uniformly toward the poles,

where all of the meridians of longitude converge in a single point.

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Kathleen Cruickshank

Lvl 13
2y ago
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12y ago

Yes it is. But the projection of the earths surface on a map, for example

Mercators Projection, makes the distances further from the Equator larger

and the distances in the Tropics appear shorter. But in actual fact, because

the earth is basically spherical, the distances between the lines of Latitude

and Longitude throughout the world are equidistant.


Don't you believe it!

That's true for latitude ... one degree of latitude amounts to about 111 km everywhere ...

but it most decidedly is NOT true of longitude.

All longitudes converge at the north and south poles. So any two longitudes you choose

must get closer and closer together as you get farther from the equator.

One degree of longitude spans that same 111 km at the equator, but by the time it gets

to either pole, that same degree has shrunk to zero. In general, the distance covered by

one degree of longitude is

(111 km) times (the cosine of your latitude) .

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14y ago

No. At the equator each degree of longitude is about 70 miles apart. As you go north or south towards the poles, they get closer and closer until they meet at the poles.

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The length of a degree of longitude is the same at any latitude true or false?


How many feet are in one degree of latitude at 43 degrees longitude?

At 43 degrees latitude, one degree of latitude corresponds to approximately 364,570 feet. The length of a degree of latitude varies slightly depending on the specific location on Earth due to its non-perfectly spherical shape.

Why is the distance on a map showing 1 degree of longitude smaller than 1 degree of latitude yet both represent the same angle?

This difference is due to the Earth being a sphere, causing lines of longitude to converge towards the poles. At the equator, 1 degree of latitude is about the same distance as 1 degree of longitude, but as you move towards the poles, the lines of longitude get closer together. This distortion in map projection causes the discrepancy in distance measurements between lines of latitude and lines of longitude.

Which lines-latitude or longitude-are always the same distance from each other no matter where they are on the planet?

Lines of latitude are always the same distance from each other, as they run parallel to the equator. Each degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles apart. Lines of longitude converge at the poles and are farthest apart at the equator.

What is the latitude and longitude for 46 degree north latitude from the prime meridian if you move to 21 degree south 35 degree west 20 degree south 45 degree west and 20 degree north?

The latitude and longitude for 46 degrees North latitude from the Prime Meridian are approximately 46 degrees North latitude, 0 degrees longitude. Moving to 21 degrees South, 35 degrees West would take you to approximately 21 degrees South latitude, 35 degrees West longitude. Continuing to 20 degrees South, 45 degrees West would position you at approximately 20 degrees South latitude, 45 degrees West longitude. Finally, moving to 20 degrees North would bring you around 20 degrees North latitude, along the same longitude as the previous location (45 degrees West).

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Is the length of the degree of longitude the same at any latitude?


The length of a degree of longitude is the same at any latitude true or false?


What is the length of daylight at 1 degree?

1 degree longitude or latitude? What day of the year? Middle of winter, 1 degree latitude, no daylight. But middle of summer same place, 24 hours.

How many feet are in one degree of latitude at 43 degrees longitude?

At 43 degrees latitude, one degree of latitude corresponds to approximately 364,570 feet. The length of a degree of latitude varies slightly depending on the specific location on Earth due to its non-perfectly spherical shape.

Which lines of longitude and latitude vary in length?

-- All meridians of longitude have the same length ... they all join the north and south poles. -- Each parallel of north latitude has the same length as the parallel at the equal south latitude, but no other one.

What is a fact about longitude?

londirtude is lond and latitude is fat Lines of longitude all run North/South and are all the same length.

How did they know your latitude and longitude?

Your ISP knows its own latitude and longitude. Your latitude and longitude is assumed to be the same as your ISP.

Why is the distance on a map showing 1 degree of longitude smaller than 1 degree of latitude yet both represent the same angle?

This difference is due to the Earth being a sphere, causing lines of longitude to converge towards the poles. At the equator, 1 degree of latitude is about the same distance as 1 degree of longitude, but as you move towards the poles, the lines of longitude get closer together. This distortion in map projection causes the discrepancy in distance measurements between lines of latitude and lines of longitude.

How many meter in a toposheet make one degree?

That would depend if you are looking at degrees of latitude or degrees of longitude. One degree of longitude represents less distance nearer the poles than it does at the equator. One degree of latitude represents the same distance anywhere on earth.

Which lines-latitude or longitude-are always the same distance from each other no matter where they are on the planet?

Lines of latitude are always the same distance from each other, as they run parallel to the equator. Each degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles apart. Lines of longitude converge at the poles and are farthest apart at the equator.

What are the longest latitude and longest longitude?

The longest parallel of latitude is the one defined as 'zero degrees', known as the "Equator". All meridians of longitude have the same length ... 1/2 of the earth's polar circumference.

What is the latitude and longitude for 46 degree north latitude from the prime meridian if you move to 21 degree south 35 degree west 20 degree south 45 degree west and 20 degree north?

The latitude and longitude for 46 degrees North latitude from the Prime Meridian are approximately 46 degrees North latitude, 0 degrees longitude. Moving to 21 degrees South, 35 degrees West would take you to approximately 21 degrees South latitude, 35 degrees West longitude. Continuing to 20 degrees South, 45 degrees West would position you at approximately 20 degrees South latitude, 45 degrees West longitude. Finally, moving to 20 degrees North would bring you around 20 degrees North latitude, along the same longitude as the previous location (45 degrees West).