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No, those are two different reflexes.

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4w ago

No, the knee jerk reflex is a monosynaptic reflex that involves the contraction of the quadriceps muscle to extend the knee in response to a tap on the patellar tendon. It is not considered an extensor thrust reflex, which involves a more complex pattern of muscle activation to generate forceful extension of the limb.

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13y ago

No, its a stretch reflex.

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Q: Is the knee jerk reflex an extensor thrust reflex?
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knee jerk aka patellar reflex is an example of a stretch reflex

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The knee-jerk reflex is controlled by the interneurons in the spinal cord.

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yes it is

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The knee-jerk reflex is a common example of a reflex. It occurs when the knee is tapped and the leg kicks out involuntarily in response.

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The patellar reflex is a type of?

The patellar reflex is a type of stretch reflex that involves tapping the patellar tendon to elicit a contraction of the quadriceps muscle and extension of the knee. This reflex helps to maintain balance and stability.

Is the knee-jerk reflex a simple reflex stretch reflex or a spinal reflex?

The knee-jerk reflex is a type of stretch reflex, which is a type of spinal reflex. It involves the stimulation of sensory neurons in the muscle spindles of the quadriceps muscle, leading to a quick contraction of the muscle in response to a sudden stretch.