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It's mostly negative. Some places may become warmer and allow more crops to grow, but many places will become too hot or dry. Vast numbers of people will have to adapt or move, and poorer nations will be less able to adapt.

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1mo ago

The future outlook for global warming is currently negative. Without significant efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Earth's temperature will continue to rise, leading to more extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and other damaging consequences for the planet and its inhabitants. However, there is still time to mitigate these impacts through collective action and innovation.

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13y ago

It can do either. Projected models say worse. But weather being weather, I believe it could just be part of a natural cycle. All this reducing of carbon footprints etc. may be too little too late. Not to say we shouldn't keep trying, but I seriously doubt we can effect any significant change in a timely fashion.

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Q: Is the future for Global Warming positive or negative?
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