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Q: Is the following true or false Two different elements can have the same atomic number?
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Why atomic number of different elements are different?

Because different elements have different numbers of protons, which determines the atomic number.

If the atomic number of 4 different elements is 102 what does itmean?

Atomic number is unique. It cannot be same for different elements.

No two different elements will have the?

No two different elements will have the exact same atomic number. Each element has a unique number of protons in its nucleus, which determines its atomic number and distinguishes it from other elements.

A difference in the atomic number of atoms means the atoms are of same or diffierent elements?

Different atomic numbers represent different elements.

Do different elements have the same atomic number?

No, each atomic number is unique to a single element.

What is the difference between isobar and isotope?

isobars are elements with same mass numbers (Atomic Mass) and different atomic number (number of proton or electron)

Why the elements are different?

Elements are different because each element has a unique number of protons in its nucleus, which determines its atomic number. This atomic number gives each element distinctive chemical properties and behaviors. Additionally, elements have different arrangements of electrons in their atomic structure, further contributing to their differences.

What describes an atomic number of an element?

The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element. It determines the unique identity of an element and its position on the periodic table. Elements with the same atomic number belong to the same element, while elements with different atomic numbers are different elements.

What same elements have the same atomic number?

though your question is unclear, each element has its own atomic number. every sample of Sulfur (S) that exists has the atomic number of 16. No different elements share the same atomic number.

What happens where two elements have the same atomic number?

When two elements have the same atomic number, it means they are isotopes of each other. Isotopes have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. This results in subtle differences in their atomic mass and stability.

Can an atom of two different elements have the same mass number?

Yes, atoms of different elements can have the same mass number if they contain different numbers of protons and neutrons. Isotopes of different elements with different atomic number can have the same mass number.

What element has the Same atomic number but different number of neutrons?

Almost all the elements have different isotopes having same atomic no but different mass no or neutrons.