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3w ago

The exchange of taking in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide is a physical process. Oxygen from the air diffuses into the bloodstream in the lungs, where it is transported to cells in the body. In the cells, oxygen is used for cellular respiration and carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product, which is then transported back to the lungs to be exhaled.

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Q: Is the exchange of taking in Oxygen and exhaling Carbon Dioxide physicall or chemical?
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Why do you get rid of carbon dioxide?

By exhaling.

Do you exhale sulfur dioxide?

No, humans do not exhale sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide is a chemical compound that is produced by burning fossil fuels containing sulfur, such as coal and oil. Human respiration involves inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, not sulfur dioxide.

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They exchange water, oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as nutrient and waste chemical substances between blood and surrounding tissues.

Is breathing is a physical change?

Don't take only my word for it, but, i think it would be a chemical change because if you think about it you are inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. Which would make it a chemical change, but I am not 100% positive.

What prodcess produes carbon dioxide?

The process of exhaling produces CO2.

What is the movement of exhaling?

diaphragm relaxes ribs relax and carbon dioxide is forced out.

When you exhale you breathe plus carbon dioxide?

Yes, when you exhale, you release carbon dioxide that was produced during the process of cellular respiration in your body. This exchange of gases helps maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in your bloodstream.

How the Respiration system produces carbon dioxide?

exhaling used oxygen,nitrgen,carbon

What two gasses increase or decrease during inhaling exhaling?

oxygen and carbon dioxide

What was the final waste products of cellular respiration?

It is carbon dioxide. It exist the body when exhaling

Why exhaling carbon dioxide can not put out a fire?

Exhaling carbon dioxide from the body is not enough to put out a fire because the concentration of CO2 in exhaled air is relatively low (around 4-5%). In order to effectively extinguish a fire, a higher concentration of carbon dioxide (around 12-15%) is needed to displace the oxygen and suppress combustion.