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To a first-order approximation the Earth is round. This
is due to gravity. Gravity pulls with equal strength in all
directions; therefore any variations from a spherical
shape will lead to gravitational forces that
bring the shape back into that of a sphere.

This is without considering the rotation of the earth,
however. The rotation of the earth adds centrifugal
effects, which cause the earth to bulge slightly at
its equator and flatten slightly at its poles.
(This is like twirling a rock on the end of a string
and then letting go--the rock flies away from the
twirler.) Because of these centrifugal effects, the
distance from the center of the earth to the surface
of the earth is about 0.33% shorter at the poles
compared to the equator.

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14y ago
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14y ago

No, the Earth is not a perfect sphere. Obviously there are mountains and valleys, but the planet actually has a larger circumference around the equator than from pole to pole, which is caused by the way the Earth rotates.

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15y ago

No. It is slightly pear-shaped (the southern pole is slightly further away from the north pole than any other part.)

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7y ago

A man-made globe is round.
The Earth is not round, it is flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator - an oblate spheroid.

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Why is a globe round?

THe globe is round because the earth is round. The globe is suppose to be a similar verison of the earth but smaller in size to people can see it.

What is the small round copy of the earth?

A globe

Why is the earth called a sphere?

Becouse the globe is round

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A round model of the earth is called?

A round model of the Earth is called a globe. It is a three-dimensional representation of the Earth's surface, showing countries, continents, oceans, and other geographical features in their accurate shapes and proportions.

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It is impossible for a flat map to be as accurate as a globe. The Earth is round and only a round globe can put things in the correct perspective.

What are some words that describe globe?

Round, spherical, planet, earth.

Can your globe ever be flat?

No, a globe is defined as a three-dimensional representation of Earth, which is a spherical shape. The whole purpose of a globe is to accurately represent the round shape of the Earth, so it cannot be flat.

Why did shakespeare change the royal opera houses name to the globe?

He changed it because he wanted it to be round like a globe and because he wanted it to represent the globe(earth)

How are the globe and earth alike and different?

The globe and Earth are alike in that they both represent the planet we live on. The main difference is that a globe is a physical model of the Earth, usually scaled down in size, while Earth refers to the actual planet itself. The globe provides a three-dimensional representation of the Earth's surface, while Earth is the tangible celestial body.

A small round copy of the earth?

A small spherical copy of the Earth is called a globe. The oldest surviving globe was created by Martin Behaim in Nuremberg, Germany in 1492.

Is a projection a way of mapping the flat surface of Earth onto a round globe?

Yes they do