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yes dissolving sugar in a coffee is a physical change

in a chemical change a new substance will be formed, and the component of this substance will be different from the parent substance.

but in the case of sugar dissolving in coffee, mixture of sugar and coffee retain their respective properties. Moreover we can also separate the constituents from that mixture.and there is no new substance is formed

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12y ago
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14y ago

that would be physical... trust me on this ;-)

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13y ago

Yes it is because it is mixed in with the coffee and can't be pulled apart.

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14y ago

That is a physical cahnge, not a chemical change, because sugar remains the same chemical, whether in solid or dissolved form.

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11y ago

That is really no chemical change.

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Q: Is the dissolving of a sugar cube in a cup of coffee a chemical change?
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Is dissolving sugar in coffee a physical or chemical change?


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