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2w ago

Eubacteria cell size is generally simple, typically ranging from 0.5 to 5 micrometers in diameter. The structure of the Eubacteria cell is simpler compared to eukaryotic cells, lacking membrane-bound organelles like a nucleus or mitochondria.

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Q: Is the Eubacteria cell size complex or simple?
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Can bacteria be submicroscopic?

Eubacteria is a domain that is primarily comprised of microorganisms called bacteria. Their average size is around 1 to 3 micrometers.

Do complex and simple craters have a central peal?

Yes, both complex and simple craters can have a central peak. Simple craters typically have a single central peak, while complex craters can have a central peak surrounded by multiple rings or terraces. The presence of a central peak is dependent on the size and impact energy of the meteorite that created the crater.

Why aren't simple diffusion osmosis and filtration sufficient to supply the needs of the cell?

Simple diffusion, osmosis, and filtration are passive processes that rely on concentration gradients for movement of substances. They may not be sufficient to supply the needs of the cell because they are limited by the size, charge, and solubility of molecules as well as the need for specific transport mechanisms for certain molecules like glucose or ions. Cells require more complex and specific mechanisms such as active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis to regulate the movement of molecules in and out of the cell to meet their diverse metabolic demands.

What does a animal cell have that the bacterium cell doesn't have?

An animal cell has a nucleus, membrane-bound organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, and typically larger in size compared to a bacterium cell. These components allow animal cells to perform more complex functions compared to bacterium cells.

The reason that most cells are limited to a very small size?

Most cells are limited to a small size due to the need for efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products across their cell membrane. A smaller size allows for a higher surface area to volume ratio, which facilitates this exchange process. Additionally, a small size helps maintain internal cellular functions and processes within optimal ranges.

Related questions

Can bacteria be submicroscopic?

Eubacteria is a domain that is primarily comprised of microorganisms called bacteria. Their average size is around 1 to 3 micrometers.

Do complex and simple craters have a central peal?

Yes, both complex and simple craters can have a central peak. Simple craters typically have a single central peak, while complex craters can have a central peak surrounded by multiple rings or terraces. The presence of a central peak is dependent on the size and impact energy of the meteorite that created the crater.

Why is the size more accurate in a negative stain than a simple stain?

In negative staining, the stain outlines the outer edge of the cell, providing a more precise measurement of cell size. In contrast, simple stains can penetrate the cell membrane, making it difficult to accurately determine the cell boundary and thus its size. Negative staining is a better method for assessing size because it highlights the silhouette of the cell.

What are the size of hydrilla cell?

Hydrilla cells typically range in size from 200 to 600 micrometers in length and 14 to 65 micrometers in width. They are elongated and can vary in shape depending on environmental conditions.

Why is the cell size important for cell processes?

cell size is important for the cell process because if the cell size is different it will change the way everything else is.

Is a blender a complex machine?

Let's try it out for size: "Simple machines include the lever, the pulley, the inclined plane, and the blender." Hmm... one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn't belong.

Why aren't simple diffusion osmosis and filtration sufficient to supply the needs of the cell?

Simple diffusion, osmosis, and filtration are passive processes that rely on concentration gradients for movement of substances. They may not be sufficient to supply the needs of the cell because they are limited by the size, charge, and solubility of molecules as well as the need for specific transport mechanisms for certain molecules like glucose or ions. Cells require more complex and specific mechanisms such as active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis to regulate the movement of molecules in and out of the cell to meet their diverse metabolic demands.

What is the size of the cells after cell division?

it is the size of a new cell

How is a cell's shape and size related to it's function?

A cell's shape and size are related to its function because they determine the efficiency of specific cellular activities. For example, a nerve cell's elongated shape allows for rapid transmission of electrical signals, while a red blood cell's small, disc-like shape maximizes its ability to carry oxygen. The specific structure of a cell is tailored to support its unique role within the organism.

The reason that most cells are limited to a very small size?

Most cells are limited to a small size due to the need for efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products across their cell membrane. A smaller size allows for a higher surface area to volume ratio, which facilitates this exchange process. Additionally, a small size helps maintain internal cellular functions and processes within optimal ranges.

What cell is more complicated Prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Eukaryotic cells are more complex then prokaryotic cells. This is because they are larger in size and have membrane bound organelles. They are have an enclosed nucleus.

What is the size of animal cell?

* well it depends on what can of cell i know that it is a animal cell but not every body cell is not the same size. * well it depends on what can of cell i know that it is a animal cell but not every body cell is not the same size.