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Humans are more closely related to apes. In 2012 scientists completed the genome of the bonobo, an African ape. When added to the genomes that have already been completed for orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees we now have a complete DNA catalogue of the great apes. The studies show that humans are most closely related to bonobos and chimpanzees. The three are more closely related to each other than any is to gorillas.

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3w ago

The DNA of humans is more similar to the DNA of apes than to that of birds. Humans share a more recent common ancestor with apes, which is reflected in the higher degree of genetic similarity between humans and apes compared to humans and birds.

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12y ago

It is more similar to a lemur because lemurs and humans are both primates, and a gorilla is not.

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15y ago

Your DNA is closer to your cousin

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What are some physical characteristics of ramapithecus?

Ramapithecus had a body size similar to a chimpanzee, with long arms and a relatively short stature. It had a combination of ape-like and human-like features, such as large canines like apes but a more upright posture similar to humans. Ramapithecus also had thick tooth enamel, suggesting a diet that included tough plant material.

Why should humans and cats be considered more closely related than humans and any of the other vertebrates?

All mammals produce milk, have some form of hair at some point in their life, are warm blooded and have a 4 chambered heart.

Do humans get coccidiosis?

Yes, humans can get coccidiosis, but it is rare. It is more commonly seen in animals, particularly birds and livestock. In humans, coccidiosis typically occurs in individuals with weakened immune systems or in areas with poor sanitation.

What are the differences between the human and ape skeletons?

Some key differences between human and ape skeletons include the shape of the pelvis (humans have a bowl-shaped pelvis for bipedal walking, while apes have a flatter pelvis for quadrupedal movement), the position of the foramen magnum (the large opening on the skull where the spinal cord enters; it is positioned more centrally in humans for upright posture), and the curvature of the spine (humans have an S-shaped spine for walking upright, while apes have a C-shaped spine for quadrupedal movement).

Is influenza caused by birds?

The Avian "Bird" flu is passed to humans by birds and their saliva and feces. Other forms of influenza that humans can get are also mutations of viruses that birds have had, some are from pigs (like swine flu) and many are from a combination of various swine, human, other, and bird flu strains that "reassort" in a host animal. For more information about how a new strain of the flu can be created through reassortant, see the related question below about what caused the 2009 Swine flu.

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What is the impact of the human doll in planet of the apes?

The human doll represents that humans talked - which took the apes by surprise. The apes had been taught that they were always superior to the humans so the idea that humans talked indicates that they used to be more intelligent - possibly as intelligent as the apes.

Is a gorilla a monkeys?

No, Gorillas are apes just like humans. Apes are more intelligent than monkeys and do not have visible tails.

Did apes come from black people?

Not exactly. 'Black people' are an ethnic group of modern humans, Homo sapiens sapiens. Homo sapiens is a species of Great Apes. Therefore, you, and all other humans, regardless of ethnicity, came from apes, are apes, and produce more apes.

What is wrong with the statement 'monkeys evolved into humans?

Humans share a common ancestor with apes and monkeys. Apes and monkeys are more like our cousins than our grandparents. Thus present day monkeys can not be our ancestors, humans can not be evolved from monkeys.

What things make apes similar to humans?

Human kind originated from apes, and there are some factors that differentiate us from other primates. - Our brain is more developed. - We have is less muscle. - The pelvis and knees are more evolved for vertical posture. - We have more complex thoughts, and extensive tool use. - We branched in a different evolutionary direction.

What is the most human-like of the apes?

The chimpanzee is considered the most human-like ape because it shares more than 98% of its DNA with humans, exhibits complex social behavior, tool use, and communication skills that are similar to humans.

Are apes orangutans?

Yes and No, There are two types of Apes, Great Apes and Lesser Apes. Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangutans, and Bonobos are all Great Apes. Gibbons and Siamangs are Lesser Apes.

What animal are humans more closely genetically linked to pigs or apes?

humans are more closely related to chimps they share 99% of the same dna and us

Are monkeys related to humans?

Yes, we both evolved from a common ancestor (which no longer exists).

If Darwin believed we came from apes then where did apes originate from?

Apes and humans share a common ancestor that lived around 10-20 million years ago. This common ancestor gave rise to both the ape and human evolutionary lines. So, apes did not evolve from humans, but rather both humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor.

Do gorillas evolve directly from chimpanzees?

No. In the beginning, these creatures were known as primates. From there they seperated into branches including apes, monkeys, humans. Over time, gorillas and chimp evolved from the apes. Chimp are smaller and live mostly in trees while gorillas have been in existence longer making them more evolved. This makes them closer to a human. They are larger, have a more similar internal structure to humans, and live on the ground. Hope it helped!

Why do people think humans originate from monkeys?

Scientists don't think humans evolved from monkeys. They do believe that humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but they don't believe we evolved from apes either. Humans and modern African apes both evolved from a common ancestor. The understanding of human evolution comes from the evidence presented in the fossil records and similarities found with genetic research. Many scientists believe in Darwin's theory of evolution which states that organisms evolve over time to be able to adapt to the changing environment. He based his theory on the birds in the Galapogos Islands. There were birds on the mainland and on the island that were or used to be the same species, but the birds on the island had different features. They had these different features because of their environment. That is why some scientist believe humans evolved from monkeys, they think we learned to stand up straight and use weapons because it would ensure better survival in our environment.