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== There are no similarities whatsoever. == Creation is the why, big bang is the how. == The above answer relates to those who wish to believe in both at once - to believe that God created through the Big Bang.

In reality, they are two completely different theories of cosmic origins. The former is naturalistic, the later is supernatural. The former posits billions of years for the origin of the universe, the latter only a day.

Any similarities are entirely superficial, although they both have the same data before them in terms of what we can observe from our limited viewpoint on earth. The presuppositions behind each are literally worlds apart.

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1mo ago

No, the Big Bang theory explains the origins of the universe, while the Theory of Evolution explains how life on Earth has diversified and changed over time through natural selection. They are separate scientific theories that address different aspects of the natural world.

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12y ago

Inflation is most commonly used to describe a particular phase of the early universe when it suddenly got a lot bigger very quickly (much faster than the speed of light... this isn't a contradiction of relativity, because relativity doesn't say anything about how quickly space can get bigger).

So it's probably more accurate to describe them as separate but complementary, rather than as entirely different theories.

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14y ago

There is no real evidence that the Big Bang theory is wrong in any significant way; it needs refinement in some areas, but there's very little cause to doubt that it's at least broadly correct.

This isn't to say that it IS correct, just that if it's not, Someone went to a great deal of trouble to make it look like it was.

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10y ago

No, they are entirely different and separate theories.

The Big Bang Theory explains how the Universe as we see it today emerged from an extremely hot and dense state.

The Theory of Evolution explains how life forms change (and have changed) over time. It states that through the combined mechanisms of natural selection and genetic drift, organisms have the potential to change and give rise to new varieties of life.

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14y ago

no they just both suck XD

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Q: Is the Big Bang theory the same as the Theory of Evolution?
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