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Rhizobium is aerobic, which has a lot to do with the fact that Nitrogen fixation is an energy intensive process which requires large amounts of energy that could not be produced reasonably through anaerobic pathways.

However, Nitrogenase is irreversibly damaged by exposure to Oxygen, so oxygen exclusion is a necessary pre-requisite for Nitrogen fixation. These two facts lead to what is termed the "oxygen dilemma" of Nitrogen fixing bacteria. This dilemma is solved in Rhizobium with two mechanisms. The first is through exceptionally fast and efficient aerobic metabolism, so very little Oxygen is stockpiled. The second is through Oxygen scavenging chemicals, specifically leghemoglobin (same idea as hemoglobin in blood, high affinity for Oxygen), a transport protein which effectively removes Oxygen from the nodule.

The walls of the nodule exclude Oxygen, allowing these controls to be effective.

Source: K Pawlowski and W.E. Newton, "Comparison between Actinorhizal and Legume Symbiosis" in Nitrogen fixing actinorhizal symbioses. 2008 Springer.

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13y ago
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7y ago

Some five years back, I was sitting in my evening clinic. One baby came with respiratory tract infection. I gave syrup Cepfodoxime to the baby. Next day evening the baby came with severe breathing problem. I took the baby to the hospital of the dental college, I was working with. I took injection crystalline penicillin with me. There was severe reaction from the fellow doctors. Every body opposed and almost fought with me for not using the injection penicillin.

The baby was about one and half years old and weight of the baby was about 8 kg. I gave injection penicillin five million units in the thigh. I was there for about one hour. Every body was still against me.

Next day, I went to the hospital. there was no baby on the bed. I missed my heart beat. But the mother was sitting on the bed. And baby? Where was the baby? Baby was playing in the ward. This happened hundreds of times in my practice in olden days. But let me confess. I will not use penicillin today unless and until my very near and dear one needs it. I felt unsafe this time also. But the lady was too poor to sue me and I am too kind for words.

The injection was given twice a day for three days and baby was discharged.

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7y ago

It is very good question! Penicillin acts against the aerobic organisms mainly. But it does act against the anaerobic organisms as well. Penicillin acts against the gram positive and gram negative bacteria and gram positive bacilli. That was what is taught to me. But it acts against the gram negative rods also in high to very high dose. Penicillin should be used in case of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections. Penicillin is a life saving drug. Thousands of lives are being lost, as penicillin is not used by doctors. Doctors stopped using penicillin. That is a sad story and I must comment on this important issue. You as a society in general and judiciary in particular do not know anything about the medical science. You expect that there should be no side effects of the drug. That is not possible. They will have to go hand in hand. Here the penicillin can give a severe reaction called as anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis in rare cases. It can kill the patient almost within say five minutes. It can be managed in most of the times. But at times the patient will die. Then you blame the doctor. You file a case against the doctor. Judiciary is wise enough to put heavy penalty against the doctor. So the doctors do not use the drug and allow you to die of the 'disease'. Then the society and the judiciary have no problem. I request the responsible members of the society, politicians and judiciary to look into the matter. The separate law should be passed to protect doctors from death due to penicillin use in desperate cases. It will save millions of lives over the years. Few lives will be lost. But that is inevitable. You have to understand that doctors are not God and nobody can give you hundred percent safety of the life.

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4mo ago

Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which is an anaerobic organism. It does not require oxygen to survive and reproduce in the human body.

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11y ago

anaerobic because it does not require oxygen to survive.

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10y ago

Chlamydia trachomatis is a facultative anaerobic

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13y ago

it is gram-negative and aerobic

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11y ago

This fungi is aerobic. It is used in the making of blue cheese and is also a very common in moldy bread and other spoiled foods.

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14y ago

obligate aerobe

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