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It hasn't been achieved yet, and it seems doubtful that it is possible. You may want to read the Wikipedia article on cold fusion to get a more detailed overview.

To summarize it: the muon-catalyzed kind definitely is possible and is routinely done by researchers in the field - the problem is that it requires more energy to generate the muons than you can get out of the fusion. The Fleischmann and Pons kind appears to have been poor laboratory technique (I'm being charitable here, and not suggesting that it was deliberate fraud).

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12y ago
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2w ago

Yes, sustained nuclear fusion is theoretically possible, as it is the same process that powers the sun. However, achieving controlled fusion reactions here on Earth for energy production is still a significant technical challenge. Researchers are working on developing fusion reactors that can sustain these reactions under controlled conditions.

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14y ago

The depends on what is meant by cold fusion. Cold fusion is nuclear fusion at low temperature, possibly room temperature, and this has been achieved. Cold fusion is sometimes spoken of as a way to produce power from nuclear fusion, and this has not been achieved, as far as we know.

The Fleischman-Pons experiments, which were regarded as promising for power production, could not be replicated, and are widely regarded as being an example of experimenters being misled by false results.

Cold fusion has been achieved in at least one other system, but not in a way that has practical value for energy production. Muon-catalyzed fusion has been shown to work with different sorts of apparatus, but it takes more energy to accomplish than it uses.

There have been confidence scams associated with cold fusion. Anyone considering investing in cold fusion should be cautious.

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13y ago

No, cold fussion is not real. There has never been a credible experiment to produce cold fusion. Several scientists have said that they created it, but have never been able to repeat their results (as needed in a good scientific experiments).

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13y ago

On Earth, not right now. We don't have to technological capability to sustain a controlled nuclear fusion reaction. The only place this is presently possible is within the core of the Sun and stars. Barring some stupendous discovery, we probably won't be able to do this for at least another 50 or 100 years. We are working on it, though.

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10y ago

Cold fusion is a hypothetical type of nuclear reaction. It is un known howvere it is persumed that it would occur at, or near, room temperature, unlike with temperatures in the millions of degrees that is required for what is called "hot" fusion.

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At this time:in a bomb, very cheapin a reactor, not yet possible

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