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Both cross the horizon.

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Yes, sunrise is defined as the moment when the upper limb of the sun first appears above the horizon in the morning. This marks the beginning of daylight.

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Q: Is sunrise determined when the sun is fully visible at the horizon?
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How long does it take sun to disappear once bottom edge meets horizon at sunset?

It typically takes about 2 to 5 minutes for the Sun to fully disappear below the horizon once its bottom edge touches the horizon during sunset. This can vary depending on atmospheric conditions and your location.

Which layer of soil is made up of only partly weathered rock?

The layer of soil that is made up of only partly weathered rock is called the C horizon, also known as the parent material layer. This layer is located below the B horizon and consists of partially weathered rock fragments that are not yet fully decomposed into soil.

Does agar need to fully solidify to grow bacteria?

Yes, agar needs to be fully solidified before bacterial growth can be observed. Semi-solid agar may not provide enough support for bacterial colonies to grow and be visible.

Why the period of twilight and dawn increases Pole wards?

The period of twilight and dawn increases polewards due to the angle of the Sun's rays hitting the Earth. Near the poles, the Sun's rays are more oblique, which means they spread out more horizontally. This leads to a longer period of diffused light during twilight and dawn, as the Sun's rays take longer to fully disappear below the horizon.

What happens to dark matter at the point of the event horizon?

Dark matter at the event horizon is expected to behave similarly to normal matter. It will be influenced by the extreme gravitational pull and will likely contribute to the mass of the black hole. The specifics of its behavior within the event horizon are still not fully understood.

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How long will it take for the sun to be fully visible at sunrise on August 212013 at Ocean City NJ US?

It depends when you start counting but if you start at sunrise on August 21 2012 the answer is, one year.

When exactly is the moment of sunrise?

Sunrise is the moment when the upper edge of the rising sun appears to be right at the horizon assuming an unobstructed view. That includes the effect of refraction of the sunlight by the atmosphere, which averages about 34 arcminutes. Atmospheric conditions in the sunlight's path to the observer can cause sunrise times to vary by over a minute due to the amount of refraction. At higher latitudes the variation can be many minutes due to the smaller angle between the horizon and the sun's apparent path. For the purpose of calculations, scientists define sunrise to be when the center of the sun is 90.83333° below the observer's zenith. The extra 0.83333°, or 50 arcminutes, accounts for the 34-arcminute average refraction and the 16-arcminute apparent radius of the sun.

Which phase does the moon appear to be fully visible?

One side of the moon (the Earth facing side) becomes fully visible at Full Moon.

What is a Twilight supposed to be i'm not reffering to the popular Twilight saga movies you were talking about something from space?

The astronomical period of "twilight" is the period between the sun being below the horizon and the sky fully dark to 12 minutes before sunrise. Morning Twilight is a period of slowly increasing light. Evening twilight begins 12 minutes after sunset, and ends when the sky is fully dark.

What is a sentence using awake?

I awoke early this morning to watch the sunrise.

What is it called when the moon is fully visible to observers on Earth?

When the moon is fully visible to observers on Earth, it is called a full moon. This occurs when the sun, Earth, and moon are aligned with the Earth in the middle, causing the moon to be fully illuminated by the sun.

What is the bottom horizon in a soil profile that contains only partly weathered rock?

The bottom horizon in a soil profile that contains only partly weathered rock is called the C horizon. In this horizon, the rock is partially weathered and has started to break down into smaller particles, but has not fully transformed into soil yet.

What do you call a moon that is fully visible to observers on earth?

Full moon

What is it called when the moon is fully visible to observers on Earth.?

Full Moon

What is the last layer of soil to form a horizon?

The last layer of soil to form a horizon is called Horizon C. This layer is often referred to as the parent material, as it is made up of weathered rock fragments that have not yet fully decomposed into soil. Horizon C is the layer closest to the bedrock and has the least amount of organic matter.

Does the sun hang above the horizon during sunrise or sunset?

The sun appears above the horizon during sunrise and sets below the horizon during sunset. At sunrise, the sun begins to rise from below the horizon until it is fully visible, marking the start of the day. Conversely, during sunset, the sun starts to descend below the horizon, signaling the end of the day.

Was Joanna Christie who appeared nude in Equus fully shaved?

I saw the play from quite near the front and can confirm her pubic region was fully shaved and her vagina fully visible.