

Is street light luminous

Updated: 6/11/2024
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11y ago

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Yes, it is as it produces light from electricity. As said in

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3w ago

Yes, street lights are luminous because they emit light to provide illumination for roads and outdoor areas at night. This light helps improve visibility and safety for pedestrians and drivers.

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Are street light luminous or illuminated?

Street lights are illuminated. They emit light to illuminate the surrounding area.

Definition of luminous and non-luminous sources of light?

Luminous sources of light are objects that emit light due to their own energy, like the sun or a light bulb. Non-luminous sources of light are objects that reflect light from luminous sources without emitting light themselves, like the moon or a mirror.

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It is luminous.

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Luminous light is a light source but another name for it.

Differentiate luminous and non-luminous?

Luminous objects emit their own light, such as the sun or a light bulb, whereas non-luminous objects do not produce light but reflect light from other sources, like the moon or a table. Luminous objects are sources of light, while non-luminous objects only appear visible when light is shone upon them.

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Luminous means shining without light.

Are satellites luminous or non-luminous?

Non-luminous. Objects which produce light of their own or give out or emit their own light are called luminous objects. Objects which do not produce light of their own, on the other hand, are called non-luminous objects. Luminous objects are objects like stars, sun and other celestial bodies which give out their own light. Objects surrounding us are not such light emitting objects. Therefore, we are surrounded by non-luminous objects.

What is the answer of luminous?

luminous means that it gives light

What is luminouse and non-luminouse?

Luminous objects emit light on their own, such as the sun or a light bulb. Non-luminous objects do not emit light but can be seen by reflecting light from luminous sources, like the moon or a book.

What are luminos body?

Bodies which emit light are luminous bodies and those who don't emit light are known as non luminous bodies Example - stars are luminous bodies while planets are non luminous bodies Tube light is a luminous body while a chair is non luminous

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Planets( Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) and also Moons are Non-Luminous objects they don't emit light. The reason we see them because they reflect light from the Sun.

What is the definition for Luminous and non luminous?

Luminous objects emit their own light, such as the Sun or a light bulb. Non-luminous objects do not emit light on their own but can reflect light, like the Moon or a book.