Generally speaking, no, lipomas aren't dangerous. They're pretty common, in fact. They usually don't cause any pain or anything so the patient may not even know they have them unless they happen to feel them by pressing on them. They're just there in the fatty tissue of the body. They are almost always benign growths (not cancerous). The only times a doctor would consider removing them necessary would be if it turned out to be cancerous or if it interfered with the function of nearby structures. Both of these events are pretty rare. Most of the the time they just leave them alone because it isn't worth the infection risk from opening up the skin and subcutaneous fat to remove them. If they see signs that it may be cancerous, they would likely do a needle biopsy to verify before trying to remove it. These days they really like to be absolutely sure before they cut on you because strep infections are at an all-time high and are insidiously easy to get if you have open wounds.
Spindle fibers. These structures form the mitotic spindle and play a crucial role in separating chromosomes during cell division.
What is a spindle cell tumor in the stomach?
The centrosome is the organelle that anchors the spindle fibers in the cell during cell division. It helps to organize and regulate the movement of the chromosomes.
A spindle forms during cell division in a haploid cell during the process of meiosis. The spindle is crucial for the separation of homologous chromosomes and ensuring that each daughter cell receives the correct number of chromosomes.
spindle apparatus
What is a spindle cell tumor in the stomach?
No. They can, but not always, grow and they can become unsightly and uncomfortable. However, they are not dangerous.
Spindle fibers. These structures form the mitotic spindle and play a crucial role in separating chromosomes during cell division.
In medical "Lipoma" is a benign tumor of adipose tissue (cell that contain fat).
Animal cells have spindle fibers in them.
Spindle fibers. They help separate chromosomes during cell division by attaching to the centromeres of each chromosome and pulling them to opposite poles of the cell.
What is a spindle cell tumor in the stomach?
Yes, spindle cell neoplasm schwannoma is typically considered a benign tumor. Schwannomas arise from Schwann cells that produce the myelin sheath covering peripheral nerves. While they are usually slow-growing and non-cancerous, they can cause symptoms depending on their location and size.
The centrosome is the organelle that anchors the spindle fibers in the cell during cell division. It helps to organize and regulate the movement of the chromosomes.
A spindle forms during cell division in a haploid cell during the process of meiosis. The spindle is crucial for the separation of homologous chromosomes and ensuring that each daughter cell receives the correct number of chromosomes.
Spindle Cell Sarcoma (hemangiopericytoma) Hemangiopericytoma a tumor composed of spindle cells with a rich vascular network, which apparently arises from pericytes. Above retrieved from Viper1