0.7 meters is equal to 27.56 inches.
Summer Snow was created on 2000-07-07.
North Atlantic Drift - album - was created on 2003-07-07.
The average annual snowfall in London, Ontario, is around 194 cm (76 inches). This can vary each year due to weather patterns and other factors.
2207 military time is 10:07 PM in the 12-hour clock system.
07 inches = 7 inches = 17.78 cm.
Closer to Home was created in 1970-07.
Closer EP was created on 2008-07-29.
Come Closer was created on 2006-04-07.
Come a Little Closer was created on 2005-07-18.
I'm Your Captain - Closer to Home - was created in 1970-07.
.07 is closer to 0.
Closer - Joy Division album - was created on 1980-07-18.
Miles Away But Getting Closer was created on 2008-07-15.
Closer - Melba Moore album - was created on 1980-07-20.
Eyes Wide Shut was released on 07/16/1999.