The reaction of aqua regia is exothermic because it releases heat when the acids interact with metals, causing a very strong and aggressive reaction that can dissolve gold and platinum.
Exothermic because the heat of formation is -566. Exo- is negative and Endo- is positive.
a feather is a solid
The first 20 elements at room temperature are: Hydrogen - gas Helium - gas Lithium - solid Beryllium - solid Boron - solid Carbon - solid Nitrogen - gas Oxygen - gas Fluorine - gas Neon - gas Sodium - solid Magnesium - solid Aluminum - solid Silicon - solid Phosphorus - solid Sulfur - solid Chlorine - gas Argon - gas Potassium - solid Calcium - solid
No. Heat is given out (liberated) in exothermic reactions not endothermic. exo = out, therm = heat. Endothermic reactions take in heat energy from the surrounding wshich cause the surrounding temperature to decrease. endo = in.
The opposite of exo- is endo-.
if u mean skeleton then exo
No! It has an exo skeleton
The opposite of "endo" is "ecto," which means outside or external.
They're invertebrates. They have no skeletal structure at all
Humans and fish have endo skeletons and grasshoppers have exoskeletons (thats why you hear a crack if they are stepped on).
substances move. endo folds in , and exo exits
There's 3 : inner, outer, & middle. (endo - exo - meso)
Well, darling, the prefix that's the opposite of "endo" is "exo." It's like the yin to its yang, the peanut butter to its jelly. So if you're talking about something going inside (endoskeleton), then exoskeleton would be its sassy counterpart on the outside.
It is endoskeleton. Seahorses have an interior skeleton.
The 'endo' in the word 'endoskeleton' is a big clue because it means 'inner.' So, yes, a St. Bernard has an endoskeleton. The opposite of endo is exo. An exoskeleton is an 'outer skeleton.'