Infectious, but it no longer exists. It was eradicated decades ago.
Noninfectious diseases are caused by factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices (e.g. diet, exercise, smoking), environmental factors (e.g. pollution, radiation), and aging. These diseases develop over time and are not spread from person to person like infectious diseases. Examples of noninfectious diseases include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Body systems respond to infectious diseases by activating the immune system to identify and eliminate pathogens. In contrast, noninfectious diseases typically result from genetic, environmental, or lifestyle factors, leading to structural or functional abnormalities in specific body systems. The response to noninfectious diseases often involves targeted treatments to manage symptoms and slow disease progression.
No, measles and smallpox are two different infectious diseases caused by different viruses. Measles is caused by the measles virus (MeV), while smallpox is caused by the variola virus. Both diseases can be prevented through vaccination, but they have different symptoms and levels of severity.
Smallpox is caused by the variola virus, not a bacteria. It is a highly contagious and serious disease that has been eradicated through vaccination efforts.
The reason we were able to "erradicate" (said that way because we have stores in labs) smallpox was because the human serotype is only able to affect humans. The smallpox vaccine is made from cowpox, which is similar enough to smallpox to provide immunity, but cannot infect us.
It is infectious.
Mumps is an infectious disease.
It is sometimes infectious but not always
Mumps is an infectious disease.
Yes, the common cold is infectious.
non infectious
Diabetes is not infectious.
Asthma is a condition and not an infectious disease.
Infectious diseases involve a causative organism, from groups such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and such. Noninfectious diseases involve causes other than specific infectious organisms.