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This is not a change at all. However it is physical when you use a magnet to physically seperate (by manetic force) .

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Q: Is separating sulfur and iron with a magnet chemical or physical change?
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Heating a bar magnet is a physical change because the magnet does not undergo a chemical reaction. The heat energy causes the atoms in the magnet to vibrate, which disrupts the alignment of the magnetic domains within the magnet, thereby reducing its magnetic strength.

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The answer is physical:)

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Is making iron into a magnet a physical change?

Yes, making iron into a magnet is a physical change because the internal structure of the iron is altered without changing its chemical composition. By applying a magnetic field, the domains in the iron align to create a magnetic field, making it behave like a magnet.

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Magnetic erasing of a computer disk is a physical change. The polarity of the molecules in the storage media is altered, but the material retains the same composition so it is NOT a chemical change.

Is magnetizing steel a chemical change or physical change?

physical, just the aligning of magnetic domains what were previously random in orientation.

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Picking up a paper clip with a magnet is a physical change because no new substances are being created. The paper clip's position is simply being altered by the magnetic force.

Is picking up iron filings with a magnet a chemical reaction?

No, picking up iron filings with a magnet is not a chemical reaction. It is a physical change where the iron filings are being attracted and moved by the magnetic force of the magnet.

Is magnetic attraction a physical or chemical change?

Magnetism is a physical property that is mediated by magnetic fields.The magnetic state of a material depends on temperature (and other variables, such as pressure and the applied magnetic field), so a material may exhibit more than one form of magnetism depending on its temperature, etc. However, a material's magnetism doesn't change the composition, and doesn't involve a chemical reaction.

Is magnetism a physical change?

yes because any that you do in magnet it is magnet again'

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First of all lets understand Physical & Chemical Change. Physical change can be reversed and the chemical properties of the two states remain the same. Chemical change cannot be reversed and the chemical properties of the two state are entirely different. Now lets get back to the question. Is growing a tree a physical or a chemical change. The growing of a tree requires chemical changes, primarily the conversion of water and carbon dioxide into cellulose and oxygen. So the growth results primarily from chemical changes.