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Q: Is scratching a glass a physical or chemical properties?
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Does a chemical property or physical property scratch glass?

A physical property, such as hardness, is what allows a material to scratch glass. Materials with a hardness greater than glass (5.5 on the Mohs scale) can scratch it. Chemical properties do not directly influence the scratching of glass.

Diamonds are used to scratch glass chemical or physical change?

This is a physical change. There is nothing that changes the components of either the diamond or the glass when the diamond is used to scratch glass.

Is breaking glass is a physical or chemical change?

Purely physical.

Is scratches glass of physical property?

Yes, scratching glass is a physical property because it is a change that can be observed without altering the chemical composition of the glass. It is a physical change that affects the appearance and surface structure of the glass.

Is breaking glass a physical change?

Yes, as it's still glass. There is no chemical/molecular change.

Is a glass tube physical or chemical?

A glass tube is physical. Its composition, structure, and properties can be changed without altering its chemical composition, unlike a chemical change which would involve a change in composition.

Is breaking glass a chemical property?

No breaking glass is not a chemical reaction, which is what i think you mean. Breaking the glass does not alter the chemical makeup or properties of the glass. Instead breaking glass is a physical reaction because it does alter the size of the glass and its appearance

Is break glass a physical?

yes, breaking glass changes the physical properties of the piece, while a chemical change would be removing one of the elements that make up the glass

What is an example of a chemical change wood burning glass breaking water freezing?

The chemical change is the burning wood because the products, carbon dioxide, water, ash, and soot, have different physical and chemical properties. The other changes are physical changes because the physical and chemical properties of the substances did not change.

Is breaking a mirror a result of a product with chemical properties?

Breaking a mirror is not a result of chemical properties, but rather a result of physical force or impact applied to the glass. Mirrors are made of a thin layer of metal, typically silver or aluminum, on the back of glass, and breaking one involves shattering the glass layer.

Is breaking glass chemical or physical?

Breaking glass is a physical change, as it does not change the chemical composition of the material.

Breaking glass physical or chemical?
