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Q: Is rust made of separate atoms or molecules?
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Is rust made of separate atoms?

Yes, rust is made of separate atoms. Rust forms when iron atoms in metal combine with oxygen atoms in the air to create iron oxide, also known as rust. Each iron atom combines with multiple oxygen atoms to form the rust compound.

Is rust made of atoms or molecules?

Rust is made of iron oxide, which is a compound formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen. This compound consists of iron and oxygen atoms bonded together. Rust does not contain molecules because it is a solid compound composed of atoms bonded in a specific arrangement.

What two kinds of atoms are rust made out of?

Rust is a compound of iron and oxygen.

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Does rust make something heavier?

If you weigh a piece of steel, and then allow it to rust and weigh it again, it will be heavier by a small amount. The difference will be the weight of the oxygen atoms that have become bound to the iron molecules.

What are two different molecules?

Two different molecules are water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Water is a compound composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, while carbon dioxide is a compound made of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

Is rust the result of a chemical?

Rusting is a reaction which combines molecules to form other molecules : metal +oxygen=rust

How many atoms in rust?

The most abundant compound in rust is iron II oxide or Fe2O3 which has 5 atoms.

The compound that is made of atoms of iron and oxygen is?

Iron oxide is the compound made of atoms of iron and oxygen.

What does 4Fe plus 3o2 plus 6H2O mean in words?

This chemical equation represents the reaction where four iron atoms react with three oxygen molecules and six water molecules to form rust, which is iron oxide.

Is rust a result of a chemical reaction?

Rusting is a reaction which combines molecules to form other molecules : metal +oxygen=rust

Does rust or Fe2O3 have more atoms in the formula?

Fe2O3 has more atoms in the formula. Rust, which is primarily iron (Fe) oxide (Fe2O3), consists of 2 atoms of iron (Fe) and 3 atoms of oxygen (O), totaling 5 atoms in the formula.