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Q: Is runny lava found on a continental plate or on an oceanic plate?
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Is runny lava found in continental or oceanic plates?

Runny lava is typically found in oceanic plates. Oceanic plates are denser than continental plates and tend to produce basaltic lava, which is more fluid and flows more easily compared to the thicker and more viscous lava produced by continental plates.

Where do shield volcanos occur?

Shield volcanoes typically occur along tectonic plate boundaries, such as mid-ocean ridges or hot spots on oceanic crust. They are characterized by their broad, gently sloping profile and are formed by thin, runny lava flows that travel long distances before cooling and solidifying. Examples of shield volcanoes include Mauna Loa in Hawaii and Iceland's Eyjafjallajökull.

Is runny an adjective?

Yup! Runny is an adjective.

What does runny means?

"Runny" typically refers to a substance that has a thin or watery consistency, such as a runny nose or runny egg yolk. It can also describe something that is leaking or flowing uncontrollably.

Is lava runny and orange?

Lava is orange and runny

Which boundary forms new crust?

Crust is formed at the edge of a tectonic plate by, when a volcano erupts, the lava or magma (same thing) hits the edge of a tectonic plate and cools and dries on the edge of that tectonic plate.

What is the definition of runny and how is it described?

The definition of "runny" means : inclined to run or flow, tending to flow, or tending to run or drip. Runny is most commonly used when referring to a runny nose.

When was Runny Babbit created?

Runny Babbit was created in 2005.

Is acrylic paint runny?

It depends on what you mean and i have had acrylic paint and I did not think it was runny

Is runny an action verb?

No, the word 'runny' is not a verb.The word 'runny' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The action verbs are: run, runs, running, ran.Examples:Jack can't run today. (verb)He has a runny nose. (adjective)

What is runny grobbles?

'Runny Grobbles' were invented by the creators of 'In the Night Garden' as a foodstuff that the Pontipine children supposedly eat. In short, runny grobbles do not exist. Sorry.

Which types of lava eruptions cover the largest area on earths surface?

Discounting oceanic crust the largest areas of lavas are the flood basalts, mainly in Siberia and India.