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When fruit ripens, it is a chemical change. The Chemical make up changes within the fruit as it gets closer to the point of being edible.

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Q: Is ripening of a fruit a chemical change?
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Is ripening fruit a physical or chemical change?

Ripening fruit is a chemical change because it involves the breakdown of complex molecules in the fruit resulting in changes in color, texture, and flavor. This process is driven by enzymes and chemical reactions within the fruit.

Is ripening of fruit a physical change?

Ripening is a chemical process.Ripening involve many chemical reactions.

Is a banana ripening on a counter a chemical change?

Ripening is a chemical process.

What kind of change is ripening of fruit?

The ripening of fruit is a physiological change that involves the softening, color change, and development of flavors in the fruit as it matures. This process is triggered by ethylene gas and various enzymatic reactions that break down starches into sugars, making the fruit sweeter and more palatable for consumption.

Is ripening of banana a physical or chemical change?

Ripening of a banana is a chemical change. It involves the breakdown of complex molecules in the banana fruit into simpler molecules due to enzymatic activity, resulting in changes in color, texture, and flavor.

Why ripening of fruit is a chemical change?

When fruit ripens, it is a chemical change. The Chemical make up changes within the fruit as it gets closer to the point of being edible.

Is ripening of fruits is a physical change?

Ripening is a chemical process.Ripening involve many chemical reactions.

Is ripening fruit a irreversible change?

Yes, ripening is an irreversible change in fruit, as it involves complex biochemical processes that cannot be reversed. Once fruit starts ripening, it will continue to do so until it fully matures or spoils.

Is ripening an example of a physical or a chemical property?

It's not a property but it is a change , a chemical change.

Is slicing a banana a physical change?

well it depend are you talking about just a banana or a cake or its both.... well if your talking about a banana. the banana is physcial change +++ Fruit ripening is chemical.

Why is a ripened fruit an example of chemical change?

Because ripening is a kind of irreversible breakdown of many components. One example: pectine breakdown makes it softer, acid breakdown makes it less saur and more estery (acids made into fruity esters) etc.

Does the packaging affect the ripening of fruit?

Yes, packaging can affect the ripening of fruit. One way is by trapping the ethylene gas produced by the fruit, causing rapid ripening.