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The only time anything was ever cloned was when a sheep named Dolly was cloned. They took two sheep that looked similar and breed them. Then they took DNA from the female and put it in the embryo. Therefore cloning isn't expensive because it's only been done once.

ACTUALLY, cloning has been done around 25 to 35 times and yes it is expensive, which is why humans didn't go crazy with making more clones and have only been done around 25 times when it has been discovered over 20 years ago. Also there's a very low chance of survival rate for the clone.

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4mo ago

Yes, reproductive cloning is an expensive process due to the complex technology and expertise required. The cost can vary depending on the species being cloned and the method used, but generally it involves significant expenses for research, equipment, and specialized facilities.

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12y ago

There is a very low success rate. Only 2-3% of trials produce viable subjects and even fewer develop into a functioning organism. If a functioning organism is even produced, they generally have a lower life expectancy and are more suspectable to disease and infection. The proccess is also meticulous and unreliable.

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11y ago

Human reproductive cloning is expensive.

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What is the difference between therapeutic and reproductive cloning?

Therapeutic cloning involves creating cloned embryos for the purpose of harvesting stem cells to treat diseases or injuries. Reproductive cloning, on the other hand, aims to create a new organism that is genetically identical to the donor organism.

What is artificial cloning?

Artificial cloning is the process of creating genetically identical copies of an organism by replicating its DNA through various techniques such as somatic cell nuclear transfer or embryo splitting. This can be used in various applications such as research, agriculture, and medicine.

What is the biology meaning of reproductive cloning?

Reproductive cloning in biology refers to the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an organism. This is typically achieved through somatic cell nuclear transfer, where the nucleus of a donor cell is transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed. The resulting cloned organism will have the same genetic material as the donor organism.

What is replacement cloning?

Replacement cloning is a type of cloning where the nucleus of an unfertilized egg cell is replaced with the nucleus from a donor cell, which results in the creation of a genetically identical individual to the donor. This technique has been explored in animal cloning research and has potential applications in agriculture and medicine.

How does the process of reproductive cloning begin?

Reproductive cloning begins with the extraction of a somatic cell from the individual to be cloned. The nucleus of the somatic cell is then transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed. This reconstructed egg cell is then stimulated to divide and develop into an embryo, which is implanted into a surrogate for gestation.

Related questions

How many ways of cloning are there?

There are three main ways of cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning involves replicating specific genes or DNA sequences, while reproductive cloning aims to create an identical copy of an organism. Therapeutic cloning is used to create stem cells for medical purposes.

What is the status of human reproductive cloning in the world?

There is no evidence of successful human cloning in the world.

Which one of the following statements is true about human reproductive cloning?

Human reproductive cloning involves creating a new individual that is genetically identical to an existing person.

What are the 3 types of reproductive cloning?

The three types of reproductive cloning are embryo cloning, adult DNA cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Embryo cloning involves transferring genetically identical embryos to surrogate mothers. Adult DNA cloning creates an animal that is an exact genetic copy of an existing animal. Therapeutic cloning involves creating embryonic stem cells for research and medical purposes.

What are the different types of cloning?

Somatic, Reproductive, Therapeutic

The similarities of reproductive and therapeutic cloning?

the answer is this has cells and the other doesn't.

Is cloning meat cheap?

cloning is very expensive very hello

What are all the different types of cloning?

The most discussed type of cloning is reproductive cloning, producing a genetically identical copy with fatalities up to 95 percent. Therapeutic cloning is research based involving stem cells. Recombinant DNA technology involve injecting DNA .

How is cloning being used currently?

Cloning is currently being used in reproductive cloning research with animals, such as sheep and cows, for agricultural purposes. It is also being used in therapeutic cloning to create stem cells for potential medical treatments and research. However, human reproductive cloning is banned in many countries due to ethical and safety concerns.

What is the difference between therapeutic and reproductive cloning?

Therapeutic cloning involves creating cloned embryos for the purpose of harvesting stem cells to treat diseases or injuries. Reproductive cloning, on the other hand, aims to create a new organism that is genetically identical to the donor organism.

Difference between reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning?

Reproductive cloning scientist investigate about cells, an egg cell and mix the nucleus, therefore a sollution of the egg cell transfers the nucleus of the somatic cell into the eggcell, then they add mitosis to the egg cell containing the somatics DNA, resulting in an 16cell embryo then it is placed in the womb of a female to create a clone. While therapeutic cloning people look at embyos and how they are formed.

Is human cloning legal in the UK?

Human cloning is not legal in the UK. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 prohibits the cloning of humans for reproductive purposes. Research involving human cloning is also tightly regulated in the UK.