Atomic number of radium is 88 and that of bismuth is 83. So atomic number is to be reduced by 5. But as alpha is emitted atomic number reduces by 2. So a beta decay is needed which would increase the atomic number by 1. So 3 alpha decay and one beta decay would make radium into bismuth
Marie Curie
Electron configuration of radium:Ra: [Rn]7s2Ra(2+): 1s2.2s2.2p6.3s2.3p6.3d10.4s2.4p6.4d1o.4f14.5s2.5p6.5d10.6s2.6p6.
Marie Curie is famous for discovering the elements polonium and radium. She also conducted pioneering research on radioactivity, leading to her groundbreaking work in the field of nuclear physics.
Marie Curie traveled to Paris, France, where she studied at the University of Paris. She also traveled to Poland, where she was born, and later to various countries to deliver lectures and attend conferences related to her scientific research.
Marie Curie's work on radioactivity led to groundbreaking discoveries on the nature of atoms and helped lay the foundation for modern physics. Her research also paved the way for the development of numerous medical treatments, including radiation therapy for cancer. Curie's work significantly advanced the fields of science and medicine, ultimately improving the lives of countless people around the world.
Marie Curie
25,000 dollars for a gram
Because all scientists want to increase the knowledge of humanity.
Both. During decay it ceases to be radium.
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Radium element is in the s block. It has 88 protons in a single atom.
raduim ??? chech the periodic table
This element was first isolated in France, near or in Paris, from ore brought from some other place.
According to the Wikipedia article on radium, the melting point of radium is 700 degrees Celsius.
Electron configuration of radium:Ra: [Rn]7s2Ra(2+): 1s2.2s2.2p6.3s2.3p6.3d10.4s2.4p6.4d1o.4f14.5s2.5p6.5d10.6s2.6p6.
in 1900 it was called raduim emanation by Friedrich Ernst Dorn. and in 1910 it was called niton by Robert Whylaw-Gray. in 1923 is was finally called radon by the International Committee for Chemical Elements.
Studying residues of uranium ores Marie Curie and Pierre Curie found that these residues are more radioactive than uranium; they attributed this radioactivity to unknown elements. They isolated these elements and named these elements polonium and radium.