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Gravity is a force. The speed of light is a velocity. You can't compare these two. If we consider a gravity wave, the wave will move at the speed of light. Not faster or slower, but at the same speed.
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9y ago
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14y ago

We have no idea what is going on inside a black hole. There are indications that in some black holes the angular momentum is making it spin faster than the speed of light. If it is, your guess is as good as anyone else's what it is doing. Electrons also spin faster than the speed of light.

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14y ago

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to humans. Usually when someone talks about "radiation" they are thinking of the hard gamma wavelength radiation that is emitted by nuclear reactors, some radioactive isotopes, and nuclear explosives.

In a scientific sense, radiation means any emission on the electromagnetic spectrum and ranges from the very long wave-length, low-frequency, low-power radio wave up through microwaves (the same stuff you cook food with), infrared (aka heat), visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and finally the very short wave-length, high-frequency, high power gamma rays.

There are many more types of radiation than I've listed here, but all are essentially a mass-less particle called a photon, moving in a wave shaped pattern. The only difference between types of radiation is the wavelength and amount of energy the photons contain.

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7mo ago

No, radiation travels at the speed of light.

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Is a speed of light faster than liquid?

The speed of electromagnetic radiation of all kinds, including light, is faster than the speed of anything else.

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radiation radiation travels at the speed of light, which is very quick diffusion is slow. convention is faster than diffusion.

Does going faster than light make a flash?

Please note that it is NOT POSSIBLE to go faster than the speed of light in a vaccum. It probably never will be possible. However, since you didn't specify "vacuum", the answer is basically "yes" - and this has actually been observed. A particle that goes faster than the speed of light in the medium in which it is travelling will slow down, and in doing so, it will emit Cherenkov radiation. For more details, see the Wikipedia article on Cherenkov radiation.

Which plane is faster than light?

No plane is faster than light.

Is it true that a scientist managed to get something to travel faster than the speed of light?

No material object can exceed the maximum speed of light, 299,792 km/second in a vacuum. However, energetic electrons can reach extraordinarily high speeds, and in water can go faster than (and overtake) light radiation, which is slowed to around 224,910 km/second.It is theoretically possible, however, that one could somehow change reference planes and cross a distance faster than the light does that remains in that reference plane. This would not be going faster than light, but merely taking a shortcut.

What is faster than a speed of light?

Nothing has been proven, however ! while scientist at the CERN collider may be on the verge of disproving light is the fastest thing. there are some happenings that totally suggest that light is not the fastest thing. if a black hole being one that is a dark planet due to the fact that all light is bent by gravity so it appears black raises the simple questions. if light was faster than gravity! it would escape the planet feald if it was. so gravity is faster if light as it would escape. then the second dilemma is that a black hole can be found by the radiation that they emit so this raises two fold question that is if radiation escapes then it is faster than gravity so making it faster than light. however many will say no, simply because it has never been proven and on other foundation they do say it is not so. Bering in mind no person knows the speed of gravity nor the speed of radiation or gamma rays so, these are all up for potentially being faster than the speed of light.

Which one conduction convection or radiation is affected by color?

Radiation is the form of heat transfer affected by color. Dark colors absorb more thermal radiation than light colors, so they heat up faster when exposed to sunlight. Light colors reflect more radiation, resulting in lower heat absorption.

Do gama rays travel faster than the speed of light?

Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, just as light is, and all EM waves propagate at the speed of light through a vacuum.

Which is that thing faster than light?

the thing which is faster than light is neutrinos which is 25parts per million faster than speed of the light, its scientifically proved.

How is visible radiation different from ultraviolet radiation?

UV radiation carries more energy because it vibrates faster, i.e. it has a shorter wavelength. Because it carries more energy, it can do much more damage than visible light.

Can echoes travel faster than light?

No. Nothing can travel faster than light.