

Is paper a solid or liquid?

Updated: 6/22/2024
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2w ago

Paper is a solid material. It is made from cellulose fibers that are compressed together to form a thin sheet.

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12y ago

Paper is a solid

which is a combination of chemical additives

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Q: Is paper a solid or liquid?
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Is paper a liquid?

No, it is a solid.

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Yes, and solid is separated from the liquid by filtration.

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A paper is used in transferring solid substances so that we can filter the liquid substances.

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Filtration is a technique that uses a porous barrier, typically a filter paper or sieve, to separate a solid from a liquid. The liquid passes through the barrier while the solid particles are retained on the filter.

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The solid trapped by filter paper is called the residue.

What is the difference between supernatant and filtrate?

supernatant - liquid above and solid in the bottom, the supernatant is the liquid above that is going to be poured off (to separate the solid and the liquid) filtrate - it is also the liquid part but the solid and liquid is separated differently, for example coffee the filter paper holds on to residue (solid) and the liquid part (filtrate) passes I think that is the difference.

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There are typically two phases involved in paper chromatography: the stationary phase (the paper) and the mobile phase (the solvent). The stationary phase is where the separation of components occurs, while the mobile phase moves the sample through the paper to facilitate this separation.