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Q: Is nuclear power a natural resource?
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What is the advantage of wind power over nuclear power?

Wind power is considered to be a more environmentally friendly option compared to nuclear power as it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions or radioactive waste. Additionally, wind power is a renewable energy source that relies on a natural and abundant resource, while nuclear power depends on uranium which is a finite resource. Lastly, wind power is typically faster and cheaper to construct than nuclear power plants.

What type of a resource is uranium?

Uranium is classified as a non-renewable natural resource because it is a finite material found in the Earth's crust that cannot be replaced on a human timescale. It is primarily used as a source of fuel in nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

What activity uses nonrenewable resource?

nuclear power plant

Is nuclear disaster is natural?

No.It is usually Nuclear Power plants or Bombs. But a Nuclear Disaster is NEVER natural.

What natural resource enables the operation of most China's power plant?

Coal is the natural resource that enables most of China's power plants.

Is hydro power a natural resource?

Yes it is.

Is nuclear power a renewable or non-renewable resource?


Is wind power a natural resource?

Yes, wind power is considered a natural resource because it is harnessed from the movement of air around the Earth, which is a natural occurrence. Wind power is a renewable and clean energy source that can be converted into electricity through the use of wind turbines.

What is an alternative natural energy resource based on underground hot water sourses?

Geothermal energy is an alternative natural energy resource that harnesses heat from underground hot water sources to generate electricity. This renewable energy source is sustainable and does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, making it an environmentally friendly option for power generation.

Why do countries use nuclear power?

Here are 5 reasons why countries use nuclear power: It is a back up plan for electicity It uses a natural resource It has no greenhouse or acid rain effects It has a very small waste It has a very large scientific base for the cycle

What is china's greatest natural resource?

hydro power

Is hydro power a renewable natural resource?

Yes it is.