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No, but as hydrogen is the most plentiful element in both the earth's oceans and the universe there is more of it than we are likely ever to consume, assuming we can make fusion reactors.

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1mo ago

Yes, nuclear fusion is considered a potentially renewable energy source because it utilizes abundant sources of fuel (such as hydrogen isotopes) that are readily available on Earth. Additionally, fusion reactions produce no greenhouse gas emissions and generate significantly more energy than traditional nuclear fission.

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14y ago

Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a "renewable energy source", but if we manage to make fusion work, we will have energy for a long, long time.

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Is the energy conversion process of nuclear fusion appears to best explain the source of solar energy?

Yes, nuclear fusion is the process by which the sun produces energy through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium. This process releases vast amounts of energy in the form of light and heat, making it the most plausible explanation for the source of solar energy.

Is nuclear fusion in the sun wind energy?

No, nuclear fusion in the sun is not wind energy. Wind energy is generated from the kinetic energy of moving air masses, while nuclear fusion in the sun is the process by which the sun produces energy through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium.

What is the benefit of nuclear fusion and What is one thing nuclear fission and nuclear fusion have in common?

The benefit of nuclear fusion is its potential to provide a virtually limitless and clean energy source with minimal environmental impact. One thing nuclear fission and nuclear fusion have in common is that they both involve the release of energy by altering the nuclei of atoms, although through different processes.

Is Nuclear fusion the source of energy?

Yes, nuclear fusion is a potential source of energy that has not yet been fully developed for practical use. It involves combining two light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. Scientists are working on harnessing fusion as a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to nuclear fission and fossil fuels.

Which statements are related to nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion is the process of combining two atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. Fusion reactions are the source of energy in stars, including our Sun. Scientists are working on creating controlled nuclear fusion reactions as a potential source of clean and limitless energy on Earth. Nuclear fusion differs from nuclear fission, which involves splitting atomic nuclei into smaller fragments.

Related questions

Is nuclear a renewable energy?

No, nuclear energy is not considered a renewable energy source because it relies on the fission of uranium atoms, which is a finite resource. While nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, the radioactive waste generated poses disposal challenges and environmental risks.

What are the different types of non-renewable energy?

- Fossil fuel energy sources (coal-natural gas - petroleum - wood) - Nuclear energy sources (fission - fusion). Nuclear energy may be considered as renewable energy source.

Why is the sun described as a renewable source?

The sun is described as a renewable source because it continuously produces energy through nuclear fusion reactions, which will continue for billions of years. This means that we can rely on the sun as a source of energy that will never run out.

Which nuclear reactions is the source of the sums energy?

Nuclear fusion

What is the source of energy in a star?

nuclear fusion

What is the source of a star energy?

nuclear fusion

Is nuclear fusion nonrenewable or renewable source and why?

Nonrenewable, eventually the oceans will run out of extractable deuterium. But thatt probably won't happen for a few million years.

Is nuclear power a renewable or non-renewable source of energy?

Nuclear power is considered a non-renewable source of energy because it relies on uranium, which is a finite resource. Although nuclear power is a low-carbon energy source, the fuel source itself is not naturally replenished on a human timescale.

What is the renewable energy source of nuclear?

Nuclear energy is not renewable. There is a fixed amount of potential fuel on the earth. Once it is used, there will be no more.

Which of the following is the main energy source for our sun?

The main energy source for our sun is nuclear fusion, specifically the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium in its core. This process releases immense amounts of energy in the form of light and heat.

What is the most popular source of energy?

Nuclear energy that is the source of sun energy which in turn is the source of fossil and renewable energies.

What percent of the US' energy does nuclear fusion supply?

The nuclear fusion is not used now as a source of energy; probable possible in a far future.