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Natural hair color is a discontinuous trait, as it is determined by a small number of distinct genes that control the production of melanin in hair follicles, resulting in a limited number of color options such as black, brown, blonde, red, etc.

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Q: Is natural hair colour continuous or discontinuous?
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Is hair color continuous or discontinuous variation?

Hair colour is continuous because there is a continual range of values when it comes to hair colour

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What is continuous and discontinuous variations?

Continuous variation refers to a range of possible values that a trait can take, such as height or weight, showing a smooth spectrum of variation. Discontinuous variation refers to distinct categories or traits that do not show a gradual range of values, like blood type or eye color.

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I think it is continuous because you can measure the length of an hair, so to me the best answer is continuous variation.

Does black hair dye make hair grow out black?

No, the colour of an individual hair depend on the inherited gene hair colour of which they have obtained from their parents however if you were to dye your hair permanent it does remain the desired colour but new growths will be your natural hair colour as the chemicals used in dyeing your hair do not penetrate into the roots. Continuous application is required to maintain that hair colour.

Which is an example of continuous variation?

hair colour

Is red a natural hair colour?

No, red isn't a natural hair colour. You might have ginger or orange hair that's really dark and you might think it is red. It isn't a natural colour at all!

What is the rarest hair colour?

ginger is the rarest natural hair colour in celebrities

How does hair get its natural colour?


Is blonde a natural hair colour?


What is Chad Kroeger's natural hair color?

His natural hair colour is black, which i know because im pictures you can see that he had his hair colour changed to blonde

What is natural hair colour?

The color of your hair that you are born with