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yes, true.

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Q: Is mutations that occur in body cells will always be threatening to the organism?
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Will mutations that occur in body cells will always be life threatening to the organism?

Not necessarily. Some produce cancers but many are noncancerous.

Mutations that occur in body cells will always be life threatening to the organism?

Not necessarily. Mutations in body cells can vary in their impact, ranging from harmless to life-threatening. Whether a mutation is life-threatening often depends on factors such as where the mutation occurs, its effects on important genes, and whether it leads to uncontrolled cell growth or other harmful consequences.

Why not all mutations are passed on to future offspring?

Not all mutations are passed on to future offspring because mutations occur randomly and may not affect an individual's reproductive cells. Additionally, some mutations may be harmful to the organism, reducing its chances of survival and reproduction. Finally, mutations that do occur in reproductive cells may not be passed on if the individual does not reproduce or if the mutation is not present in the germ line cells.

Will cells with mutations always make normal proteins?

Cells with mutations may not always produce normal proteins. Mutations can alter the DNA sequence, which may result in changes to the structure or function of the protein produced. These changes can lead to abnormal protein function, which can impact cellular processes and potentially contribute to disease.

Can somatic mutations occur in sex chromosomes?

Yes, somatic mutations can occur in sex chromosomes. These mutations can affect the genes located on the X or Y chromosome, leading to genetic changes in somatic cells, which are not passed on to offspring. Somatic mutations on sex chromosomes can impact an individual's health and development.

Related questions

Will mutations that occur in body cells will always be life threatening to the organism?

Not necessarily. Some produce cancers but many are noncancerous.

Mutations that occur in body cells will always be life threatening to the organism?

Not necessarily. Mutations in body cells can vary in their impact, ranging from harmless to life-threatening. Whether a mutation is life-threatening often depends on factors such as where the mutation occurs, its effects on important genes, and whether it leads to uncontrolled cell growth or other harmful consequences.

Are gamete cells mutations and somatic cells mutations inheritable?

Gamete cells mutations can be inheritable because they are passed on to offspring. Somatic cell mutations are not typically inheritable as they occur in non-reproductive cells.

How does a mutation in a sex cell differ from a mutation in a non-sex cell?

Mutations in sex cells can be passed on to children. Mutations in sex cells only affect offspring. Mutations in sex cells do not affect the organism.

What mutation affects an organism's offspring?

A genetic mutation is a change in an organism's DNA sequence that can be passed on to its offspring and affect their traits or characteristics. Mutations can occur spontaneously during DNA replication, or they can be triggered by external factors like radiation or chemicals.

Will cells with mutations always make normal proteins?

Cells with mutations may not always produce normal proteins. Mutations can alter the DNA sequence, which may result in changes to the structure or function of the protein produced. These changes can lead to abnormal protein function, which can impact cellular processes and potentially contribute to disease.

Are the cells the same and why?

The DNA of cells in the same organism will be the same if no mutations occur. The only diffferences from your hair cells to your muscle cells is the structure of the cell. The structure of a cell gives the cell it's function.

Why are mutations in body cells NOT a source of genetic variation?

They happen after the organism has been born, and often lead to tumours and cancer (caused by carcinogens). Other types of mutations can be caused by mutagens, which mutate the DNA of a cell. It doesn't affect the DNA of every cell in the organism/ reproductive cells, so isn't passed on to offspring

When changes occur in the genes of sex cells these changes... a lead to mutations in the parent organism b are always harmful to the offspring c can be the basis for evolutionary change and 4?

Can be the basis for evolutionary change. When changes occur in the genes of sex cells, these changes can be passed on to offspring and may result in beneficial adaptations over generations, leading to evolutionary change.

Can somatic mutations occur in sex chromosomes?

Yes, somatic mutations can occur in sex chromosomes. These mutations can affect the genes located on the X or Y chromosome, leading to genetic changes in somatic cells, which are not passed on to offspring. Somatic mutations on sex chromosomes can impact an individual's health and development.

Mutagenic agents are substances that?

Mutagenic agents are substances that can cause changes in an organism's DNA, leading to mutations. These mutations can affect the way cells grow and replicate, potentially causing harmful effects such as cancer or genetic disorders.

New heritable characteristics can result from?

mutations of genes in an organism's sex cells & new combinations of existing genes during sexual reproduction.