

Is musk melon a gymnosperm

Updated: 11/4/2022
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10y ago

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This plant is a angiosperm

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Q: Is musk melon a gymnosperm
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English name of Kirni Palam (in tamil name) is called Musk melon

What country awards its people a public holiday each August to pay homage to the musk melon?

Turkmenistan, or the Republic of Turkmenistan, in Central Asia, has proclaimed the second Sunday of each August an annual holiday to celebrate the musk melon, especially the Turkmenbashi variety. The day involves, of course, a lot of melons, and much singing and dancing; it is celebrated mainly in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. The Turkmenbashi melon is named for the first president of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov (Feb 19, 1940 - Dec 21, 2006), also known as Turkmenbashi. This musk melon is a specially-bred cross, first produced in the 1990s, and described as the 'fruit of Paradise'. Turkmenistan has twenty-four proclaimed festival days each year.

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The cantaloupe and the muskmelon are both from the species Cucumis melo. However, the cantelope is a specific variety of this group.

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A Gymnosperm I think, How do you think I would know!!!!!!!! Gosh.!

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Vegies and fruit from a-z?

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