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Hot-it's closest to Sun.

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Q: Is mercury too hot or too cold or warm?
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Why doesnt Mercury suport life?

Mercury does not have enough atmosphere and is too hot / cold to support life.

Why man can't inhabited in mercury?

man cannot inhabit mercury because it is too hot and to cold

Can you put cold hummingbird food in there feeder?

If too warm/hot the hummingbird will not feed.

Do ball pythons like warm or cold water?

If you need to bathe the snake (for example to aid in shedding) - the water should be warm to your touch - If it feels too hot to you (or too cold) - you need to adjust the temperature.

What is the correct bath water temperature for hamtsers?

Luke warm. Too hot will burn them and too cold will cause them to get a chill.

What is the zone that is not too cold and not too hot?

yea man! It's warm im pretty sure.. hope this helps...

How is the weather during winters and summers in a temperate climate?

Quite directly, they are temperate. Temperate means moderate. So the winters are cold but not too cold nor warm, and the summers are warm but not too hot or cool.

Why cold drinks are preffered in summer?

Because it can be hot or too warm. It would be around 80-95 degrees to get cold drinks.

What do people do in the fall?

It depends on where you are. If it's warm, wear clothing you're not too hot in. If it's cold, wear clothing that you're not too cold in. It really depends on where you are.

How cold does the water have to be when your bathing your guinea pig?

Lukewarm. Not too warm, but not cold. ex: Bathing a guinea pig in the same temp as you bathe a dog is too hot.

What would happen if the temperature of the world fell by 5 degrees centigrade?

Well we might die because its very cold. but if it was very hot we will die too so its important that we keep warm and not too cold or to hot. thats why we have to keep warm in winter and cool in summer

What are the living conditions of the blue tang fish?

It should have good water (warm) not too hot or not too cold, and a good temperature.