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No, lithium is in the alkali metals group.

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Is lithium a hydrocarbon?

No, lithium is not a hydrocarbon. Lithium is a chemical element that belongs to the alkali metal group on the periodic table. Hydrocarbons are compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon atoms.

What is lithium's group number in the periodic table?

The group no. of Lithium is 1 and its period number is 2.

How does carbon dioxide react with lithium?

Carbon dioxide does not react with lithium under normal conditions. Lithium is a highly reactive metal that can react with water or oxygen to form lithium oxide or lithium hydroxide, but not with carbon dioxide.

Is lithium in the halogen family?

No, lithium is not in the halogen family. It is a member of the alkali metal group on the periodic table. Lithium is located in group 1 and period 2.

Which group contains only metals A.sodium gold lithium?

Sodium and lithium are in the group 1; gold is in the group 11.

Which one has a greater atomic mass lithium or carbon?

Carbon (12) has a higher atomic mass than lithium (7).

What is Li4C?

Li4C is the chemical formula for lithium carbide, a compound composed of lithium and carbon atoms. It is an ionic compound that is typically synthesized through the reaction of lithium metal with carbon at high temperatures. Li4C is not commonly encountered as it is unstable and generally reactive.

What is the word equation for the reaction of lithium carbonate and hydrochloric acid?

The word equation for the reaction of lithium carbonate and hydrochloric acid is: lithium carbonate + hydrochloric acid → lithium chloride + water + carbon dioxide.

Does lithium have a family name?

Lithium is in the alkali metals group.

What is the odd one out lithium or nitrogen or oxygen or carbon?

Lithium is the odd one out because it is a metal, while nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon are nonmetals.

What is the Name of 10 group A elements?

The 10 group A elements are: Hydrogen Helium Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon

What is the largest atom between Carbon Boron Lithium and Fluorine?

Fluorine is the largest atom among Carbon, Boron, Lithium, and Fluorine. This is because atomic size generally increases down a group in the periodic table, and Fluorine is lower in the periodic table compared to Carbon, Boron, and Lithium.