Lightning bolts are very powerful, some more than others. The typical lightning bolt contains 15 million volts of electricity and heats the air up around 60,000 degrees.Let's just say, that if a mortal were to touch it... they would explode. :)
Lightning is stronger than thunder. Lightning is a powerful electric discharge, while thunder is the sound created by the rapid expansion of the air that follows a lightning strike.
because the air in the sky is cold so it can make lightning.
Lightning is more dangerous than thunder because it can cause injury or death if it strikes a person or object. Thunder, on the other hand, is merely the sound produced by lightning as it heats the air and creates a shockwave.
The surface of the Sun (photosphere) is hotter than the air in the vicinity of a lightning strike. The temperature of the photosphere can reach about 5,500 degrees Celsius, while the air around a lightning strike can reach temperatures around 30,000 degrees Celsius.
lightning is more powerful than air
Lightning bolts are very powerful, some more than others. The typical lightning bolt contains 15 million volts of electricity and heats the air up around 60,000 degrees.Let's just say, that if a mortal were to touch it... they would explode. :)
Lightning bolts are very powerful, some more than others. The typical lightning bolt contains 15 million volts of electricity and heats the air up around 60,000 degrees.Let's just say, that if a mortal were to touch it... they would explode. :)
Lightning is stronger than thunder. Lightning is a powerful electric discharge, while thunder is the sound created by the rapid expansion of the air that follows a lightning strike.
Yes. Pump, Spring and PCP (PreCharged Pneumatic) are all more powerful than a C02 system
Air is an insulator .......but still the lightning travels through it by ionising it.On the other hand water is a good conductor and ligthning finds path through it to reach the earth.Thus ligthning travels faster through air that has moisture than dry air.
because the air in the sky is cold so it can make lightning.
Whether or not an air rifle is more powerful than a cross bow depends on the air rifle or cross bow. Generally a hunter's cross bow is more powerful than a child's bb gun. However, during the Napoleonic Wars, the Austrians had an extremely powerful repeating air rifle. It could shoot several hundred meters. Austrian solders armed with them could shoot Napoleon's solders from such a great distance that Napoleon's solders could do nothing about it. Eventually they ran out of bullets.
Thunder and lightning are caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of air around a lightning bolt. This creates a shockwave that we hear as thunder. Lightning is exciting to kids because it is powerful and unpredictable, sparking curiosity and wonder.
Lightning is more dangerous than thunder because it can cause injury or death if it strikes a person or object. Thunder, on the other hand, is merely the sound produced by lightning as it heats the air and creates a shockwave.